I Am My Own Worst Enemy- Gerard-


Gerard woke up feeling very dizzy. The whole fight with Frank was a blur.
He tried to sit up but he just collapsed back into bed.
"Gee?" Frank asked walking in. He turned on the lights.
"Why are you still in bed?"
"That's because...I...Feel like....I'm...." Gerard said, wincing at the fact that the lights were on in his room, Frank had given him that room, it was a spare bedroom.
Oh...no.....No! Gerard thought.
The look on Frank's face tuned to fear; He knew exactly what Gerard was about to do.
Gerard turned away, then he collapsed on the ground and puked.
Frank stood there; Gerard didn't look drunk, but his face was really pale.
It's probably just the flu. Frank thought.
He dragged Gerard to the bathroom. Gerard collapsed onto the sink counter and threw up again.
Gerard moaned as he felt himself getting ready to puke again.
Frank put a hand on Gerard's back; Gerard shuddered,
"Just get it all out of your system Gee...." Frank whispered.
Gerard hurled two more times and then stopped.
"You stay here Gee, I'll get you some water."
Gerard weakly nodded. He then fell on the floor. He felt as if his stomach was trying to punch its way out of him.
Frank walked in.
"Gee, here is your water, are you ok?"
Gerard was sitting on the floor; holding his stomach and shaking all over.
Frank knelt down to Gerard's level; He helped Gerard drink his water.
"...T...Thanks Frank.." Gerard said weakly as he drank the water. His shaking slowly subsided; but his stomach still was trying to punch its way out of him.
Frank helped Gerard into bed and put a cold washcloth on his forehead.
Gerard had one hand on his stomach and the other was hanging off the side of the bed.
Things just keep getting from bad to worse for me.... Gerard thought as he lay there just hoping he wouldn't throw up again.
Frank turned off the lights and told Gerard to get some sleep.

Ok there was ch 16! Thanks for 50 readers!!! Comments welcomed.