I Am My Own Worst Enemy- Gerard-

Detox 2

Gerard woke up a few hours later. He still didn't feel too great. He rolled over in bed and looked at the clock: 4:15 PM.
"F..Frank?" He called out with little strength.
Frank walked in.
"Gee, you're awake, do you feel better?"
"Not really.." Gerard complained.
Gerard stiffened up.
"Gee, what's up, are you ok?"
"I think I'm going to puke again..."
Frank dragged Gerad to the bathroom again. Gerard started to puke again. When he was done Frank knelt down beside him.
"Gee? Do you need to go to the hospital, you look really sick."
"...I think that was the worst of it...I'll be ok..." Gerard panted. Then Gerard threw up again.
"Gee, that's it, I think I should take you to the hospital."
"Nooooo! I don't wanna!!"
"Too bad!"
Frank helped Gerard in the car and drove to the hospital.

*45 minutes later*

"Gerard Way." A nurse called.
"C'mon Gee, that's us." Frank said, as he helped Gerard stand.
Frank helped Gerard walk to the room.
"Ok what's wrong?"
"Well Gerard woke up this morning and said he didn't feel to great. Then he started to throw up a whole bunch."
"So I helped him into bed and he slept for a few hours. Then he started to puke again. So I took him here."
"Ok, I just need to check Gerard's vital signs."
The nurse did an EKG on Gerard. That went well. Then he checked Gerard's breathing. That went well too.
"Well his vitals are ok, so it's just the flu."
"Have him take some of this." The nurse said handing Frank a bottle of pepto bismol.
Frank took Gerard home.

"Gee, take your medicine."
"No means NO!!"
Frank quickly spooned the medicine down Gerard's throat.
Gerard coughed; The medicine was really disgusting.
"Who the heck do you think you are?!" Gerard spat.
"Gee, you have to get used to medicnine."
"Well I don't need to."
"Gee, do you think you could keep food dowm?'
Gerard shook his head.
"Not even crackers?"
Gerard nodded.
Frank took Gerard to his room and gave him a cracker. Gerard bit a little off of the cracker.
"I'm really tired Frank. I'm gonna go to bed." Gerard said, rolling over so he wouldn't have to look at food.
"Ok." Frank said as he walked out of the room. "Night Gee."
Hope you liked ch 17! comments welcomed!