I Am My Own Worst Enemy- Gerard-

And The Beauty That I'm Faking....

Gerard woke up and rolled over. His cracker that he didn't eat was still on the bedside table. Frank was in a chair sleeping soundly.
Ahhh, Frank.... Gerard thought.
Frank stirred.
'Feeling any better?"
"Yeah, I feel a whole lot better."
"Gee, I'm going out to the grocery store, this time we're all out of milk, 'kay?"
Frank walked out the door.

Gerard snuck into the bathroom and found the antidepressents.
He downed 3 pills.
The whole bathroom spun and Gerard fell on the floor, breathing heavily.

Frank walked in 30 minutes later.

No response.
He did it AGAIN! Frank thought.
Frank ran to the bathroom.
He saw Gerard laying on the floor, the opened pill container in his cold hand. Pills were everywhere.
Frank dialed 911.
"I need an ambulance...I live at 705 West Maple Street in Belleville!"
The ambulance arrived 10 minutes later. But for Frank it felt like an eternity.
They loaded Gerard on a gurney, just like last time.
There was Ch. 18. Hope you enjoyed it. When will Gee ever learn...?