I Am My Own Worst Enemy- Gerard-

We All Have Fights

Frank helped Gerard lie down. He then sat in front of Gerard, watching his every move.
Frank fell asleep 20 minutes later. He dreamt that Gerard wasn't addicted to alcohol anymore; he hated to see Gerard like this.
Frank slowly opened his eyes. He saw Gerard puke in his sleep. Frank never thouhgt it was possible, but Gerard had broken that barrier easily.
Frank shook Gerard awake.
"F....Frank?" He croaked.
"Lemme go back to sleep...." Gerard groaned.

Gerard slept for a few more hours then walked into the kitchen. He found Frank eating a pop tart.
"Hey Gee, feeling better?"
Gerard swayed on the spot, then he sat down holding his head in his cold hands.
"Frank, I feel awful....."
"My head hurts, the whole room is spinning, and I feel like I might puke."
"Then do something about it!" Frank snapped.
"Remember your little 'problem'?"
"Oh, that...."
"God! One day Gee you're going to die from this problem!"
" So this means you might need to stop!"
"Yeah, whatever.....Leave me alone okay?"
Frank stormed out of the kitchen.
Smooth move Gee! You screwed up again! Gerard thought to himself. How are you gonnna fix this now?
"I don't know...." Gerard whispered to himself.
There you go people the end of chapter 2! Once again comments welcomed!