I Am My Own Worst Enemy- Gerard-

But We All Make It Better

Gerard ran back to Frank's room.
"I'm sorry I yelled at you."
"I'm sorry too, I didn't mean to hurt you, Gee."
"I....I really think I need to say this....Frank......I-I think I do have a problem."
"It's okay Gee, I'll help you through this."

But Gerard went out partying, again!
"Come on lets get screwed up later." Gerard slurred.
"Here Gee try this!" Bert said holding a syringe.
"Bert....y-you know I don't like needles...."
Bert didn't care; he stuck the needle into Gerard's skin.
Gerard saw a swirl of colors, this was the best high ever.

*The next day*
"Man, my head is killin' me......" Gerard groaned.
"You went and got wasted, again!" Frank remarked.
"When are you going to realize that your life is messed up way too much?"
"I....I don't know Frank....I really don't know...." Gerad whispered.
Gerard collapsed back on the floor.
Man, I screwed up big time! He thought. I told Frank that I would try to stop, but I did it anyway.....

Well here is the end of Chapter 3! Sorry its so short. Comments welcomed!