I Am My Own Worst Enemy- Gerard-

Dr. .....FRANK!?

OK people, here is Chapter 5! its midnight here, so ill try my best

After Gerard was clean Frank walked downstairs, helping Gerard along the way.
'Okay, Gee," Frank said. "I don't know much about being a phycologest, but I'll try to help you."
Gerard turned his head to the TV.
"Ooooh, cool!" Gerard said looking at the screen. Some anime called "BLEACH" was on.
"PAY ATTENTION!" Frank snapped, as he clapped his hands in front of Gerard's face.
Frank sighed.
"Okay Gee," Frank said. " Try to think of something else."
"....Like what?"
"Well you can think about stuff that doesn't involve alcohal."
"Like ramen...?"
"Close enogh."
"Now, why do you do this to yourself?" Frank asked doing his best Dr. Phil impression.
"Well......um.....I-its because I'm depressed."
"What made you this way?"
"You already know Frank, do I have to tell you?"
"Well in High School I was spit on and shoved to agree, and I was kind of this kid who just read comics and got drunk all the time."
"Okay, thats enough for today. We'll talk more tomorrow."
"T-thanks Frank...."
"No problem Gee."

Alright there is Chapter 5! Comments= MORE!