I Am My Own Worst Enemy- Gerard-

Nightmares Are Real

He was thrashing in his sleep.....Moaning.

"No....no....I-I'm afraid of needles.....halp....please! Get me outta here!" Gerad moaned.
"Gerard...?" Gerard heard a far off voice.
"Are you ok?"
"Wake up!" Frank said, shaking Gerard awake.
'What's wrong? I saw you moaning in your sleep, and you were thrashing around like you were having a seizure."
"It....it was just a dream....a really bad one....."
Frank looked at him sympatheticly.
"What was it about?" Frank asked looking concerned.
"Well....I dreamt I was falling... t-the pit seemed endless, and then I heard a crash, when....wh....when I opened my eyes...." Gerard started to cry.
"There were s-so...many n...needles!" Gerard sobbed.
"There were syringes, acupunture needles, and...sewing needles...." Gerard started to hyperventilate.
Frank did the only thing he could think of, he pulled Gerard into a hug and started to soothe him.
'It's ok Gee, there aren't any needles here.....shhh it's ok." Frank soothed,
Gerard calmed down and fell asleep in Frank's arms.
Frank watched as Gerard slept; Gerard's face was etched in fear. He didn't want to wake Gerard again.
"Gerard....." He whispered. "It's ok, I'm right here there are no needles." Frank whispered trying to soothe Gerard into a peaceful sleep.
He saw Gerrard smile and he smiled back at Gerard.
Frank carried Gerard to the basement couch. He then carefully put a blanked over Gerard's pale body, Gerard was wearing a tshirt and some black boxeres.
"Just sleep, Gee, it will be ok." Frank whispered running a hand through Gerard's hair.

Dang! Chapter 6 already! Oh yeah comments= More story thanks 4 reading!