I Am My Own Worst Enemy- Gerard-

The Amout of Pills I am Taking

"Nnnnnn......" Gerard groaned rubbing his eyes.
Frank walked in.
"Morning Gee." Frank said cheerfully.
Gerard's whole body screamed out in pain. He grimaced.
"A...are you ok?" Frank said.
"Yeah...I'm ok......I'm going to get some painkillers...."
"Sure Gee," Frank said as he walked to the refrigerater.
We're all out of eggs. I think I need to get more. Frank thought.
"Gee!!! I'm going to the grocery store to get eggs! I'll be back soon!" Frank called.

Gerard stumbled to the bathroom. He grabbed some Advil and downed 7 pills.
Gerard felt the whole room swirl, like he was watching some morphed picture on Photoshop.
Oh God.....Oh God.......This is the best high, since Bert gave me that stuff in the needle. Gerard thought before than blacking out.

Frank walked in 30 minutes later.
"Gerard, I'm home is anybody there?"
Frank was starting to get worried, but he knew about Gerard's problem, he only thought Gerard had fainted somewhere. Usually when that happened Gerard would stagger in two minutes later.
But when Gerad didn't come Frank started to panic.
He walked around the house, searching for Gerard.
He opened the door of the bathroom.
But the sight in front of him made him flinch.
Gerard was laying on the floor, not breathing.
"Oh God, oh God....Gerard!! Wake up!!! Please!!!!" Frank yelled, slapping Gerard's face.
Frank dialed Mikey.
"Mikey.....I'm here with Gerard....and....he's not breathing."
"I thought you would like to know....just in case....."
Mikey hung up the phone.
Frank dialed 911.
"I......I need an ambulance...my friend he....he's not breathing."
"Ok we just need to know where you are so we can send an ambulance."
"I...I live at 705 West Maple St, in Bellville."
Frank hung up the phone. He turned to Gerard.
"Gee.....don't you dare die.....My Chem would never be the same without you.....I need you...." Frank whispered as he stroked Gerard's hand.

The ambulance came and loaded Gerard on a gurney. He had tubes and wires all over himself.
"Gee...." Frank whispered.

O_o Cliff hanger. Comments welcomed...plus comments = MORE!