I Am My Own Worst Enemy- Gerard-

Coma White

Ok people, im writing this in Gerard's pov while he is in a coma, so just bear with me {/i]

Gerard's POV

I had no idea what happened. One minute I was talking to Frank and the next I blacked out.

Wait, I heard voices. Really far off voices.
"Gerard...please wake up..."
I don't want to... If I wake up I'll know right away were I am....the hospital.

Hey! I know that voice! Its Frank!
"Frank....what if he dosen't wake up...?"

Why is he here?

"Gee....please! I need you...."

I almost opened my eyes when.....
"Oh shit!" Frank swore.

I heard a bunch of doctors come in.....or at least I think I did.....
Frank saw them with paddle things, I could kinda hear him. And Mikey was sobbing.
"H....H-he c-can't die.....!!"
My heart started beating again.
And then I slowly....

ZOMG! another cliff hanger! Comments= MORE STORY!..