Black Fire

Lesson Learned

So why was I here, in my teacher's house, late at night when I should be in bed now? Simple. My best friend Naomi was a Surix who liked torturing bothersome teachers. Preferably Mr. Venz. She swore that he was out to get her. So her reason to be here? He thought she cheated on a test, she got detention, and now she's not allowed to go to the spring fling. Which really pisses her off. And I was just hear for the ride. To...examin, if you may.

In my opinion, it wasn't nearly a good enough reason to give someone vivid nightmares. Of course though, she didn't listen to me. Oh well.

I got to Mr. Venz's house ten minutes before Naomi would arrive.

I heard her sneaking in through the window so I quickly shifted into a ferret. I had to hand it to Naomi, though Mr. Venz slept like a rock, she was still so quiet that if I didn't have perfect hearing I wouldn't know she was here.

Deep purple eyes were visible in the shadow where she hid. She sneaked slowly down the hallway to his room.

"Got you now," I whispered and pounced onto the shadow.

"Hey!" she whispered loudly. "Why are you here?!"

"I didn't want to miss it this time. I always wanted to watch Mr. Venz squirm in fear." I chuckled darkly.

"Oh. Well, why are you a ferret?"

"Ferrets are cool," I replied simply and hopped off of her. Naomi rolled her eyes and headed to Mr. Venz's room.

"So why are you really here?" she asked silently as she opened the door to his room with me following behind.

"Ooh, you're good."

"Of course I am. And besides, Mr. Venz is your favorite teacher."

I ran in front of her and jumped up onto the little desk by the bed where our teacher snored quietly in.

"Well if you must know..." I started.

"Yes, I must know."

"Remember how I told you about my aunt being a Surix? Well..."

She cut me off. "Raven," she groaned, "no matter how much you believe, just because you have some Surix blood in you, it doesn't mean you'll be a Surix. You are a Shifter. Case closed."

"I know, it's just that--"

"Shh!" Mr. Venz stirred a bit and his snoring stuttered, but he stayed unconscious. "I'm busy now. Be quiet." She put two fingers to her temples and closed her eyes. I watched in silence, studying, and paying close attention. I tried to mimic her but when I put my small little ferret hands to my head and started to concentrate hard, I shifted into a baby fox and fell off the desk.

I sighed and noticed Naomi's mouth twitch, fighting a smile. Then I started to hear strange whimpers coming from Mr. Venz.

"I don't want to die!" he cried out but still asleep. He started tossing and turning a little. This was quite amusing, though I did feel bad for him.

"My leg! It's burning!" He was still screaming when I shifted back into my true human form and decided to leave.

"Well, I'm going to get some shut eye, 'kay?"

She just waved her pinkie goodbye at me, still focusing. I cringed when more cries escaped Mr Venz's mouth.

"See you tomorrow," I sighed and left the house of horror and torture.
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Co-written with my good pal Caitlin.