‹ Prequel: Can't Have You

Flying The Coop


"I remember the first kiss we ever had and the look of shock on your face when it happened. We've had so much happen over the past three years and yet we're still able to put it all behinds us and move forward with our lives. I remember you telling me once that I didn't always need to look out for you but the truth is Zoe, no matter how much it may seem I haven't, I've always wanted the best for you, I'd give you the world if I could."

"Without knowing it Zoe, you've been on my mind, in my heart and in my every waking and sleeping thought since I've met you and it's like some inescapable fire inside of me, burning me from each second of the day to the next and yet, I completely love it."

He loves me.
I love him.

It's the final part of my story.
Do I get to play the princess this time?