Status: Three shots; completed.

Nothing Can Change the Fact

Can't Stop, Won't Stop

“Oh my God, Chris! Get out!” I yelled at my neighbor-slash-best friend, Christofer. I pushed him out of my room and slammed the door square in his face.

“It’s your fault you woke up late! Hurry up!” he shouted and waited for me to get dressed.

“Well you can at least knock!”

“You can at least lock!”

“Shut up!” I was still in my bra and panties when he walked into my room. He had waked me up earlier through our windows, and then I hurriedly got up and changed because I was late. Chris never woke me up except when I was late. So I was changing when he barged into my room.

I took a random shirt that was hanged behind my door and a pair of skinny jeans on my chair and put them on. I went downstairs after using my shoes and grabbed my bag.

“Hurry, Chris!” I yelled out at him; he was in the kitchen.

“Gemma, what’s with the hurry?” Mom asked as if she didn’t see the clock this morning. She was cooking eggs.

“Didn’t you see the clock, Mom?” I turned my head to the clock on the wall of the kitchen. It was still 7.30. I turned my head to Chris.

“I guess my clock died,” he shrugged casually as he sipped his drink.

“Damn you, Christofer Drew Ingle.”

- - -

Today was one of my worst days. I woke up way too early because of my best friend; there was a pop quiz during English Literature and I got an F; Heigl the queen bee made my lunch un-edible by accidentally pushing me until my lunch tray fell down; and I lost my stupid student agenda.


“Cheer up, Gem,” Chris attempted to cheer me up. “There was a worse day than this. Remember when Heigl ruined your performance and later that night we couldn’t get to see Meg & Dia because the jocks had flattened my wheels?”

“Oh yeah I remember,” I smiled a little. I had always loved his ways to cheer me up.

He grinned. “So, are you up for movie marathon tonight at my place?”

“Ben & Jerry’s?”

He nodded. “Anything you want to make your day better.”

“I love you, Chris.” And we hugged.

- - -

I was putting books into my locker and shut it when acute guy called my name next to me. “Gemma Trevory?”

“Yeah that’s me.”

“You forgot your student agenda yesterday at Art class,” he said, handing out my student agenda.

“Oh, thanks,” I thanked him and was about to take my agenda when he pulled it back.

“I will return it to you, only if you wanna go on a date with me.” He smirked.

“I don’t even know you.”

“Ethan Horizon, at your service. And that’s why, Gemma, we should go on a date. So you’ll know me more than my face and my name.”

“Alright,” I huffed. “Just give me back my agenda.”

He smiled and returned my agenda. “I’ll pick you up tomorrow night at 7.” He turned around and walked away.

“How do you know my house?” I asked loudly so that he would hear me.

He stopped, turned around, and said, “Connections.” He winked before walking away.

- - -

“So you’re gonna go out with this Ethan dude?” Chris said from my bed as I was changing in my closet.

“Yeah, actually. Do you know him, Chris?”

“I’ve heard about him. He’s—“

I went out from the closet and stared at him who was staring at me. “What?”

He blinked and hesitated before sighing, “God, you’re beautiful.” But he kept his eyes locked on me. It made me nervous.

“Um, thanks? Oh what did you wanna say, Chris? About Ethan?”

He thought for a moment. “I forgot.”

I raised an eyebrow. “Okay. Hey I might be going out with him for sure. Like dating him,” I told Chris as I framed my eyes with eyeliner.


I shrugged. “He’s pretty cute, so why not?”


“But what?” I turned around.


“You’re so weird.”

“Then why are you my best friend?”

“Because I love you.”


“Shut up,” I giggled.

A few moments later the door bell rang. “It must be him,” I told him and then I went downstairs to open the door. Yep, Ethan was there.

“Hey,” I smiled.

“Are you ready?”

I nodded.

“No, she’s not,” Chris said, magically showing up beside me. Ethan cocked an eyebrow. “She forgot her bag,” he told us as he handed me my purse.

“Right. I guess I’m too excited,” I grinned.

Ethan nodded. “Let’s go, then,” he grabbed my hand and we walked to his car after we shared goodbyes with Chris.

“Why is he in your house?” Ethan asked as I buckled my seat belt.

“He lives next to me. And we’re really close.”

♠ ♠ ♠
How do you like it? I know this isnt one of my best works; writer's block had me for months. I hate it.

Gemma's date outfit.
Gemma's when she was 'late'.