Forget About Me It's What I Deserve

I Caught Myself

Melissa's POV

"You don't really know what to do at this point, do you?" my co worker Shirley asked me. I just nodded in disbelief that i'm just gonna let people take advantage of me and just run me over, as everyone i cared for has in my past 16 years of living.

Before this conversation gets outta hand let me tell you guys about me. well my name is Melissa Marie Jones, i'm 16 years old and by this point my life somewhat sucks. My dad died when i was 7, my mom doesn't care for me but she expects me to care for her. My mom got married when i was 7 to the most obnoxious, cocky guy alive. His name is Steffen James. Okay that's some information you guys need to know.

"Shirley i just don't know to be honest how can i control him, huh? my mom lets him do whatever he wants to me because she thinks im a screw up in life. " i argued with her.
"Melissa, i know for a fact the house you are living in is no happy place as it was before your dad died." she had a point.
"ughhh, well i gotta go my shift ended so yeah but don't worry i'll be okay." i said with some hope in my voice as i knew that when i enterthat ]house, hell will rise up aganist my prsence.

I entered what i call home and looked around for Steffen and mom but then i heard some noises coming from my moms room. ughh great i had to come when they're busy doing it ughhh. I just went upstairs and just began reading Angela's Ashes and i guess i seemed to doze off.

"Why Worry? I wonder all the time why worry it's killing me forget about it..." i heard my alarm go off to get up and go make breakfast and coffee for those lowlives. i tumbled off my desk chair and headed down the stairs to the kitchen and made them their breakfast. i headed towards my moms room and gave them their breakfast and coffee.apparently i did something wrong so steffen got up and grabbed me by my hair and dragged me to the living room. steffen just started hitting me with every force he had in him. after the painful punishment i gather myself up and headed toward my room and got ready for school. i left quickly so i won't get into more trouble before school.

i drove off to school in my beat up '84 monte carlo ss. bad thing about school was there weren't much parking space...or so i thought i found one and parked in it. as i was getting off and gathering my stuff a car parking next to me nearly ran me over.

"Hey watch it!!" i yelled at the driver. as he got out he was giggling at the fact at how i attempt to act rude but whatever i locked my car and walked off. two class periods passed by fast next was art. that class was my escape my drawings and it also seem like the longest period in my view and i absolutely loved that. i entered my class and sat in my seat and just started doodling on my sketchpad. 30 mins of class have passed by and i felt somewhat uncomfortable like if someones eyes were on me. i looked up to see a smiling girl, which i think her name is ashleigh.

"Hi I'm ashleigh. Melissa right?" i nodded to agreement that my name was melissa.
"Oh well i think you draw great. " she said with a smile at the end.
"Umm thanks" I said in return with some happiness.

Throughout the whole class period Ashleigh and I were just talking about the similarties we have.
The Bell rang for lunch and i gather my belongings and started to head out, as i turned the corner
ashleigh called out my name. I turned to see what she wanted.

"Wondering if you wanna come sit with my friends and me? cos i mean since school started i've notice that you're always sitting by yourself and uhh yeah?" she pleaded.
"I don't know i'm not sure about that" i said.
"Pleasee?" she begged. I caved in and decided to take the risk.
"YAY!!" she jumped with joy. i giggled and just began to walk in her direction.

We entered the cafeteria and headed to her group of friends. Some of her friends i had for class, one was who almost ran me over. Great..i thought.

"Hey guys this is-" umm i think he's name is Jack cut her.
"Melissa Marie haha the quiet girl in history class come sit it'll be an honor to her your voice" haha very nice welcoming i must add.
"Umm hi" i replied to him while taking my seat between Jack and the guy who almost ran me over.
"Hi I'm Meg i have you for English" Meg said.
"Oh Hi" i replied with some happiness.
"You must know our names" a bald guy and a guy with a short straight messy hair said.
"Ummm Rian and Zack, from chemistry right?" i asked.
"Yesss Rian and Zack from chemistry ." Zack replied.
"Gahhh you're voice i didn't expect it to be so wow. i mean why don't you ever talk much?" Jack asked.
"Ummm..i'm just very shy that's all." I responded back, feeling a bad tension between me and the guy who almost ran me over.

*A month Later*

It's been a month hanging out with these guys, and so far they're cool. Though I feel bad whenever they try to invite somewhere, but I have to lie cause I know Steffen won't let me. There goes my teen years of living.

It was lunch and the guys were talking about class and after school hangouts. as for me i sat there just trying my best not to reveal my bruises from my punishments earlier this week and the past few years. I felt very uncomfortable because i felt like if someone was just staring me down i looked but didn't turn to see why he kept staring at me. His staring wasn't like any stare it was like he wanted me gone or something. I ignored his presence and played with my sleeves until I looked and saw Zack looking at me puzzled.

"Hey umm Mel hope you don't mind if i call you mel," he asked i nodded. "Oh okay umm...don't you think it's somewhat hot to be wearing longsleeves?" Zack questioned
"Ummm..not necessarily i'm just really used to long sleeves since but yeah ." i replied
"But yeah what?" Meg and Ashleigh said in unison.
"Ummm well umm.. It deals with my father's death. i was five when i notice my dad getting skinnier and looking pale and well my dad would always wear long sleeves to cover up his skinny arms and pale skin. Then when it was my 7th and my dad's 27th birthday we spent it at the hospital because my dad seem to be much trouble with breathing. I really didn't know what was happening since i was only seven the doctor came out and said that Mr. Jones would love to see his daughter and have last words with her. i was confused but i was glad to see my dad as i entered the room i saw my dad looking brittle like you can just barely touch him and he'll break. Melly i want you to live life, be successful take care of mom for me okay? I love you mel and with that i heard his heartbeat stop and his grip on my hand was loose and i looked to my mom and realised that my best friend died. from that day i just thought i had to just wear long sleeves cos i was afraid of getting sick and leaving my mom at such a young age." i said trying so hard to hold back the tears.
"BULLSHIT!!" the guy who almost ran me over said.
"Dude, Alex... like honestly man that's rude i don't think-" he cut off rian.
"Exactly you guys aren't thinking straight like i am i mean that story is-" i cut him
"Bullshit yeah we know what you think and honestly i can care less with your point of view of my fathers death and how my life ended up" my voice was getting cracky. "but yeah whatever and this is why I don't really have "friends" cos of people like you who just think i'm bullshitting about my dad's death. " i began to feel tears fall and got up and just walked off to chemisty.
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Why Worry- The All American Rejects
I thought I caught Myself made a good chapter name.
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