Forget About Me It's What I Deserve


Alex's POV

I just kept staring back and forth at Melissa's marks and her face; i really didn't believe. i was just speechless. Yes, i did feel horrible by saying she's full of it and i had no reason to be saying that.

"Melissa.. i- i- i'm so s-so-" she cut me off.
"Don't, no one needs to be, honestly." she said while unrolling her sleeves. I looked at her disappointed by the fact she wants no one there for her.
"Melissa why?" I asked.
"Why what?" she questioned.
"For us not to be feeling sorry or care for you?" i managed to say without raising my tone.
"because no does honestly, everyone says they do but they're lying they end up hurting me even more. Like how i thought my mom cared for me...hahh apparently not i mean look what she has done to me; ever since she married steffen after my fathers death she thinks im a screw up and that i should just go die but then no she needs me to pay the bills and take care of her and that dickhole! i know for a fact the only people that ever cares for me is my dad and shirley... but now since my dad is gone shirley is the only one. yes she knows whats going on in my life and all and she begs me to tell the cops but she knows i can't because my mom would say 'no she does all this things to herself..' and ughhh." she ended up crying falling to the ground. i couldn't handle it anymore, this poor girl that i judged in the beginning is coming out to me telling me things that i never thought i would hear because i've never experienced nor have had someone in my life to deal with shit like that.

i knelt down and picked up Melissa and cradled her in my arms telling her everything would be alright. I can't believe that i'm the one who judged her and now i'm here for her because of that 'dickhole' as she said. i made Melissa look at me; eyes meeting, i looked at her, her make up was runny. i wiped them away with my hand not caring if eyeliner was on it.

"Melissa, this for sure im gonna promise you i won't tell anyone anything and i'm gonna be here for you i mean it." i said she looked at me in disbelief.
"I don't believe you, you're the one who-" i cut her off.
"YES, I KNOW MELISSA, I KNOW!!!" i yelled, scaring her a bit." I know i am that asshole guy to you but i do mean that i'm gonna be here for you." i said calming down a bit.
"Alex i'm not sure i mean ummm.." she said.
"I'll prove to you kay?" i replied knowing that i will do this for her. She nodded and got out of my embrace.
"I gotta go work now so ummm bye." she turning around.
"Hey wait Melissa how do you know about this spot? i mean hardly anyone knows it." i said barely remembering.
"Ummm my great granddad owns well use to own this land." she said and just entered her car and drove off.

i decided to drive off too i mean it seems like there's a storm coming in; i drove off and headed to Jack's house. I knocked on his door.

"What's the password?" he asked.
"I love Jack Barakat" i said.
"Works for me.." he opened the door. "What's good up in yo hood?" he asked.
"Hahhhah nothing much, hey guys." i said realizing that the gang was also here.
"Hey mr. gaskarth thanks for leaving us in the middle of the parking lot." Meg said.
"Sorry i was just getting annoyed and i needed time off from everyone." i replied.
"Okay well lets go to the diner and see if Melissa's there." Ashleigh ordered.

Melissa's POV

Melissa, this for sure im gonna promise you i won't tell anyone anything and i'm gonna be here for you i mean it... that sentence just kept playing in my head; was Alex really for sure about it or was he just saying that to comfort me.

"Melly table 3" shirley knocked me out of my day dream.
"Kay" I walked to table 3 and looked up to see a smiling Jack.
"You're not dead!!" he screamed with joy.
"Not yet" i whispered; this made alex turn his head. guess he heard me. "Anyways umm what would you guys like to drink?" i asked.
"The same and ummm what happened today?" Rian answered and asked.
"Ummm just felt pressured and all so i needed a day off no worries." i said and turned away to get their drinks.

I entered the kitchen and noticed that Steffen was standing right there giving me a stare. That stare meant i was in for it i opened the door and walked off quickly. i heard my name once or twice or possibly even more but i never looked back. barely making it to the door i ran into him, he was gripping on me tighter; he smelled like alochol and weed. (yeah he does weed). We were still infront of the diner i was wondering if he was ever gonna move or just stand there letting everyone see. He decided to take the first option; he dragged me through the diner and took me to the back alley. He threw me against the wall, he grabbed me and his hand slapped my face hard me wincing in pain afterall i did have that bruise on my cheek. He stopped the punishment.

"Fuck this there are witnesses... imma finish you at home be back by 7 got it!" he grabbed me by my hair. I nodded. He walked off.

I walked back in and headed straight to the restroom to clean myself up, to make sure no one would notice anything bad had happen to me.

I walked back to the gang and served them their drinks.

"Sorry bout the long wait step dad needed to talk to me that's all." I said.
"It's okay why did you walk off though?" Jack questioned.
"Hmmm... oh it's cos i thought he needed something from my car that he left in there but nah it wasn't." how bad i felt to lie these people but i had a reason. well alex now knows so he knows i'm covering it up.

I took their order; i entered the kitchen and handed the order to Jorge. I waited and looked at the time was 6:25.

"Ummm shirley?" i asked
"Go before you get into more trouble i'll tell Johnny to cover for you kay?" I nodded and walked off.

I got in my car and drove off to the house. 6:55 the clock in my car read; i was already in my driveway. Luckily i got there early, bad thing was that he was gonna finish up his work. I walked in noticing he was there standing with the same stare waiting for me. he grabbed me by my arm and threw me against the floor. I couldn't get up, i just didn't have the strength to. He laughed and just hit me in the stomach with a bat. yes, a baseball bat. i groaned at the pain. He tried to hit me but i stopped it by kicking him in his balls. he fell to the ground i ran outside of the house and started my car and drove off as fast as I can. I looked back in the rearview mirror and saw him standing in the front lawn; I can hear him screaming and see him kicking. I turned back to the road I didn't know where or who I was heading for help. Yeaha I can go to shirley but he'll know I'll be there... and the second person, wait! I can't go over to his house it's just weird, it's just, it's just-
♠ ♠ ♠
Ehhh i didn't think this one was that great.
I thought Circles was a good chapter name
because it seems like alex and melissa
are starting over.
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(ps i was eating lettuce at 10:10 pm)