Blood Soaked Black Rose

New Life To A New Beginning

Eddie’s POV
Zakky and I walked into our apartment. Zakky smiled at me. “He’s okay!” He kissed me.
“Uh…yeah.” I smiled back. I was sick of Zakky’s random mood swings. He’d been having them a lot. I knew that he couldn’t help it. I knew that it wasn’t his fault that he was like this. It wasn’t…or was it? I mean, he surely couldn’t have not known that he could have a kid.
“I’m going to rejoice. Ooh! Can we go get some skittles?” His eyes got big.
“Uh…I’ll go get it.”
“Okay!” I left to the store and returned ten minutes later to Zakky being a Prep.
“OMG! No Way! No way! Then what happened? Oh no way! No…”
“I’m sure that it is true Zak.” I said rolling my eyes.
“What?” Zakky said looking at me as I handed him the skittles.
“Here’s the skittles you wanted.”
“Oh, um, I don’t want those anymore.”
“Yeah…Okay Ash.” He started laughing at something she said. I rolled my eyes and went into my room. Why? Why was it that he constantly asked for me to buy him food then not eat it? Why? I heard him being all preppy. God. You’d think that he wasn’t ever ridiculed for being gay in high school. I stared at the ceiling. What happened to my life? I was seventeen, gay, married to a guy and expecting a kid. That was so fucked up.
“Eddie?” I looked over at the door to where Zakky was.
“Hm?” I asked.
“I love you.”
“I love you too.” I said noticing the tears in his eyes. “What’s wrong?”
“Uh…Eddie…I’m…I’m so…so fucking freaked.”
“About what baby?
“About that.”
“The baby.”
“Oh…isn’t Tera coming over?”
“See? She’s had two kids already. She can help can’t she?”
“Uh…yeah.” Zakky tugged at the bracelet I got him in high school.
“Good then there you go.” I smiled and laid back closing my eyes again.
“Um…can we just cuddle?”
“Cuddle. Not makeout or anything…maybe random kisses, but just cuddle. I really want to just…cuddle. We can do that right? It’d make me feel better.”
“Okay…” I held out my arms and he smiled crawling into them. I loved the way he felt in my arms. The way he smelled, the way he curled up to me and laid his head on my chest. I hugged him. Maybe things weren’t as bad as I thought…

Kyler’s POV
Addie, J.D. and I were hanging out. Addie was showing by now. I glanced at her stomach. “I told you it’s not yours.” She said to me. I nodded.
“Okay…” I rubbed my itching wrists. It had been a week since I’d come home and my dad and Will hadn't taken their eyes off me. I wasn’t allowed anywhere without their supervision.
“Have you done that since?” J.D. asked rubbing the back of my hand with his thumb.
“Um no.” I said blushing. J.D. kissed my cheek.
“You sure?
“Yeah. I promised you, didn’t I?”
“You promised that before.” I nodded feeling unbelievably guilty.
“But I mean it this time.” I whispered.
“How can I really believe that?”
“Because…Liam and Will take the whole suicide watch thing seriously. Unlike my mother…” I felt hot tears burning in my eyes.
“Well that’s because your dad and stepdad are actually good people and your mother was a bitch. And none of this is even necessary.” I stood up really mad.
"You have no clue what my life is J.D.! You think that I want people like this? I hate that I can’t go anywhere without someone staring at me? Fuck you Joel Dylan Smith!” I stormed away ignoring the protests that J.D. called after me. Addie was yelling at him. I heard her saying that he was an idiot. She didn’t get me either, I knew, but at least she wasn’t a meanie. I let the tears fall as I walked aimlessly around Blain. I hated him at the moment. This shit coming from J.D. The kid was rich. His parents were perfectly nice to him. They accepted him. He never heard a harsh word come out of his mother’s mouth. He never felt what it was like to be beat, tortured, raped, burned. He never felt the safe refuge of cutting. It let me see that I had power. That Jeff and my mother weren’t the only ones able to cause me pain. I could let it all slip away just with knowing the simple pleasure of letting it all go.
I found myself at Zakky and Eddie’s apartment complex. I decided to go up. Zakky was the only person who never judged me. Eddie never said anything, but I knew what his silent stares and his piercing glares really were. He thought I was a freak, a loser. I knocked on the door and Eddie opened the door. “Finally…” He sighed. “Go make him stop crying!” I slowly walked in and saw my brother on the couch hugging a pillow crying silently as he stared at the floor.
“Zakky?” I looked at me wiping his eyes and smiling.
“Hey.” He said in his usual preppy, gay voice.
“Hi. Everything okay?” I glanced to the kitchen where Tera was lecturing Eddie. Zakky blinked a few times.
“Zakky…don’t do this.” I knew know what the effect this was going to have on him.
“Do what?” His eyes sparkled with pure happiness. Maybe he wasn’t hiding his depression. Maybe he just had his moments like everyone else. It really made you wonder.
“Come on…”
“I’m gonna go take a shower.”
“Okay…” I went into the kitchen.
“Stop yelling at him Eden.” Tera hissed. I was so confused as to what Eddie was a nickname for because of the way that everyone made up something. Eden, Edwin, Edward…every form you could think of. “Don’t tell him that he’s making you mad.”
“But it’s annoying when he doesn’t eat.” They just noticed my presence.
“Hey…” Eddie mumbled.
“Oh, hey Ky. I’m glad to see you out of the hospital. I knew that the white walls were so unlike you. Do you need me to take you to get your roots redyed?”
“If you wouldn’t mind.”
“I wouldn’t.”
“Okay then.” I smiled. Tera turned to Eddie.
“I’m serious. No matter what, do not tell him how you feel about this baby. He’s under enough stress as it is. You don’t need to be adding to it.”
“Fine…” Eddie said as he threw himself in a chair. “Cheese Nip?” He offered. I went over and took some out of the box. “Honest, you’re the only one that can make him stop. You or your name.” Eddie said.
“What? God, you sound exactly like him when you say it like that.”
“I do?”
“Yeah. So what’s your question?”
“Uh…what’s Eddie a nickname for?”
“How do you spell it?”
"E-d-e-n, but it’s pronounced Ed-en, not E-den.”
“Oh…yeah. Okay.”
“No prob.” He smiled. “Now what’s Zakkary’s middle name?”
“Shit what?”
”Kyler? Are you coming or not?” Tera called.
“I’m coming. Bye.” I said. “Tell Zakky I love him, ‘kay?”
“Sure.” I ran over to the door and Tera played with my hair.
“No more stunts like that okay?”
“Suicide attempts. It’s just not cool. I hate seeing you in a hospital bed and I hate the way Zakky acts. It really scares me. He becomes suicidal. I hate it. Do you know that we had to hide everything from him? Pills, knives, razors…and they made him mad. You know how he hates not shaving everything…Eddie got him some Veet or Nair or something. I couldn’t stand it if I lost you both.” She kissed my forehead.
“I won’t.” I said uncertainly. I really couldn’t make a promise like that. I had before and it didn’t turn out this right. A suicidal Zakky made my head spin. It seemed so unnatural…