Blood Soaked Black Rose

"Why Are You Living In The Past?" [edited 9/10]

[A/N sorry about the confusion. i've edited this ch. thx for the constructive criticism. i didn't even notice. i'll try to be more careful. :) ]

Kryssi's POV
I found him sitting with Emily. They were laughing about something. I hugged my cousin and sat on Aiden’s lap kissing him deeply. He and I had been together since eighth grade. I loved how his blonde hair fell into his eye and flipped out around his ears. I loved his soft green eyes. “How are you?” He smiled.
“I’m good.”
“That’s great. I love you Kryss.” He kissed me again.
“I love you too.” I slid out of his lap as Kaleb sat down joining us. He opened his bag and started nibbling an animal cracker. “Hi Kaleb.” He smiled at me and looked at his desk. The kid didn’t talk much anymore. I remember when you could never get him to shut up. That was before his little sister had died from leukemia and then his mother died a few days later from breast cancer. He and his dad never had a good relationship. His dad said he was too weak. Didn’t like that in his son. His dad worked a lot though. Kaleb was from a rich family, but not many people linked that Kaleb Preston that sat in front of me and the Kaleb Preston from kinder to sixth grade. I guess they just thought that that one had been replaced.
Emily sighed and looked at me. “Hey.” She smiled. “How’s Zakky?”
“He’s good.” I loved my cousin so much. She was so fucking amazing. I loved her hair. It was blonde died blue, purple, green and pink in the front and her makeup matched. The right side of her bottom lip was pierced. She nodded.
“Have you seen my dad lately?”
“No.” She sighed.
“You know, I should be able to know him. I’m seventeen. I mean, who the fuck cares that he’s crazy? Who? I certainly don’t. My mother didn’t when she forced herself on him. Why should I? My stepdad thinks that I should too. I want to. Mom says that’s for me to decide when I’m eighteen.” She rolled her eyes.
“I know.” I didn’t really get it. Addie being all uptight. I loved Kyler. Daddy would bring him over for weekends sometimes. He would play video games with me and the twins, help me with my homework, teach me guitar, singing, read my lyrics, poems and stories, critique my art. He was so amazing. If he weren’t so fucked up, he really would have been something. I hated the fear in his eyes though. The fear and panic behind his voice and smile. Daddy didn’t ever talk about it much. I knew that it wasn’t because he was schizophrenic. It was his childhood. My uncle was amazing. He was pretty too. Even with blonde hair.
“So Kryssi, are you coming to my party?” Aiden asked. I shrugged.
“I don’t know. If my dad isn’t gone, but if he is, then that means that Mattie and Scotty are coming over. You know how I love those guys. And Nevin is adorable. He really is.”
“So you’d ditch me, your wonderful, sexy boyfriend for some adults?”
“Honey, you are wonderful and you’re the sexiest thing I’ve ever laid eyes on, but you know how I feel about them.” He nodded a sad smile on his face. I quickly kissed him and it was gone.
“You guys better tone it down.” Kaleb said.
“Why?” Emily asked.
“Because they could end up like our parents. Having a kid when they’re in high school.”
“Aw, shut up.” Emily said. “I love having young parents and personally, I’d laugh if daddy’s girl and super Christian emo hook up and have a baby.”
“Aw, that’d be a sight.” Kaleb smirked.
“Hey, just because I’ve decided to wait, doesn’t mean I’m super Christian.” Aiden pointed out.
“Yeah, but memorizing all that shit you have is. See I don’t believe it. I just don’t. My dad I know is crazy about it, but see I don’t know him. Plus, aren’t all schizo people highly religious?” Emily sipped a coke.
“I don’t know. But…gaw, shut up Emily.” Aiden said shoving a chip in his mouth.
“Why do believe it?” Emily asked her eyes glued to my boyfriend.
“Because it’s real. Because you should. Because I don’t feel like going to hell!” Aiden said desperately.
“Well you know what I have to say? I say that if I can’t see it or hear it or feel it, then it’s not real.”
“You know that Kyler would so flip and give you this huge speech?” I laughed. “Trust me. One time Aubren questioned it and Kyler flips into this whole, I have heard it!, thing. It’s quite annoying.” I informed her. Aiden shifted. He was a foster kid and he clung to things tightly. I knew that what Emily was saying was hurting him.
“I’m Wiccan.” She informed him.
“Well how can you see or hear or feel that?” She rolled her eyes.
“It’s the principle. God, I don’t want to talk about this.” She muttered. Kaleb stared at her. Emily’s opinions were very strong. She knew that Aiden was easy to manipulate. That he was easy to convince. She knew things that most people would hate for someone to know. She used things to change his opinions.
“You brought it up.” I said.
“I don’t care. Aiden, tell me this. If there was a God, then why did he let your parents die? Why did he let your first foster family abuse you? Why did he let a pedophile into your life? Huh Aiden? Tell me that.”
I looked at Aiden. He had tears in his eyes. I was now thoroughly pissed off. I stood up and pulled Aiden to his feet. “We’re leaving ‘kay? Enjoy your talking.” Aiden hugged me once we were out of Emily’s wrath.
“I love you.” He whispered.
“I love you too.” We sat silently on the bleachers as the track team ran around the track and the football players practiced. Aiden broke the silence. “I just, why can’t she ever leave me alone? You and Kaleb were the only ones that are supposed to know, but no, they had to put it on the news. I was five when my parents were killed. Seven when I left being hit. Ten when I was taken from the sicko. The only thing that my parents taught me that I still remember Emily is trying to take away.” He brushed away the tears. I hugged him.
“Hey, Mattie and Scotty were looking to adopt a teenage boy. You want to come meet them? We could ditch school.”
“Um, okay.” We stood up and I got in my car and drove to I’ll Make You Over Salon. I saw my daddy styling some chick’s hair and Scotty was leaning on the counter talking to Mattie.
“Kryssi!” Matthew hugged me. “How are you doing?”
“Great.” I smiled.
“I love your skirt. It’s very chic.” He smiled.
“Who’s this?” Scotty asked hugging me.
“My boyfriend, Aiden Darkness.”
“You? A boyfriend? You’re barely sixteen!” Mattie said.
“He’s been my boyfriends for three years.” I said.
“Really? Nice to meet you Aiden.”
“Mattie, Scotty, can I ask you a favor.”
“What’s that?”
“Aiden doesn’t have a home right now. So would you guys be willing to adopt him or at least let him live with you?” Scotty looked at Mattie hopefully.
“Hm, okay. What do mean by ‘doesn’t have a home right now’? He questioned.
“As in, he’s between foster homes.”
“Aw, poor guy. Come on.” Scotty hugged him.
“I like your look.” Mattie smiled. Aiden blushed and smiled at me. Daddy came over.
“What are you doing skipping school?” He asked.
“It’s boring.”
“Krystal, you need to go to school.” I rolled my eyes and then gave him the look.
“I was so bored and I needed to ask Mattie and Scotty to adopt Aiden.”
“Well, just this once. But don’t make a habit.”
“No I won’t.”
“Good. Now get back.”
“It’s like three. I only have art and we all know I can pass that with my eyes closed and hands tied behind my back.”
“You’re great at art Kryssi, but nobody can be artistic like that.” Aiden said.
“Aw, thanks for ruining the moment.” Aiden smiled and hugged me. The little rat. He was so adorable. His smile was contiguous like Mattie’s and Daddy’s. You couldn’t for the life of you get mad at the boy. He was so wonderful. That sweet. Everything he did was for someone else. That reminded me of Kyler. Well, what Daddy said about Kyler. Kyler never wanted someone sad or mad. He liked people being happy. All he wanted was for everyone to except each other. Not go yell and curse and hurt each other. Now though, he was inside that stupid hospital. Daddy and he are like kids. They don’t act like adults. It’s cute. Daddy acts like a parent too, but he’s fun and amazing. Not like he is lacking something up his ass. He’d get horny occasionally and get cranky, but it never lasted long.
“Come on babe.” I said pulling Aiden behind me. “I’ll see you at home Daddy.” I kissed his cheek and left. Aiden looked out his window and sighed.
”Nothing.” He whispered.
“Don’t do that.”
“Do what?”
“Keep things in. What’s up?”
“Well it’s just…I want what you have. I want to be close to adults. I want someone to protect me. Care about me.”
“I do and now you have the guys.”
“But it’s not the same. You complain about Eddie. Sure, before today I had never met the guy, but even if I had someone care that much. So much that they didn’t care whether I liked them or not so long as they were okay. See you think that he hates you. He obviously doesn’t.”
“How can you say that? The guy left my dad and me just because he was eighteen. What the hell? Does that mean anything? And then he thinks he can ruin everything Daddy and Matthew had together. You know what? Maybe Daddy can forgive him. Maybe he can take him back and let his dick go up his ass, but no ma’am. I will not.”
“Stop living in the past Kryssi. He loves you. He came back. Did you see how hurt he looked when you were being a bitch to him today? He hid it pretty quick, but you could tell.”
“Daddy tells him off too.”
“That’s totally different. He doesn’t do it every chance he gets and if what I know is true, then Eddie screwed around a lot with Zakky and his emotions. Royally fucked him up. It’s amazing that he’s not the one stuck in that state hospital with his brother. He deserves to, but Krys, you loved him until the truth came out. You accepted him until Kira and Kai told you what happened.” I looked out the window. Kira and Kai were my friends. They were Ashlie’s kids. Kira was a little older than me and Kai was a few months younger than my brothers. Ashlie wasn’t married to Kira’s father. Only Kai’s. It happened to be Logan. I knew that Logan and my dad were exes. It was weird though.
“I don’t want to be having this conversation.” I sighed.
“I know, but honestly, I really think that you should concentrate on what he’s trying to do. You guys need someone to punish you. If he were like Zakky then you’d all be running around with your names on wanted signs and the news.”
“Aiden, please.” He shrugged and was silent. We got to my house as Ashlie pulled up.
“Hey you.” She said hugging me. I loved Ashlie.
“Hey yourself. Daddy doesn’t get off for another twenty minutes and I’m pretty sure that he’s gonna get fucked since Eddie was all horny this morning and you know how Daddy is about going to work with no detours.” She laughed.
“Yeah. I was just coming over to see him. How’s he doing?” I looked down. I didn’t want her to know that I knew that my daddy had a bottle of Prozac in his drawer. Nobody was supposed to know.