Blood Soaked Black Rose

I'm Sick...

Zakky’s POV
I sat on the couch next to where my brother was playing on Emery’s guitar and singing. I loved listening to him play. He was so amazingly talented. I listened to how the guitar sounded in contrast to his voice. I listened to his lyrics. The kid was simply amazing. I guess he wasn’t a kid anymore, but I still couldn’t think of him as more than fifteen. I knew he was thirty-one going on thirty-two here pretty soon. You just couldn’t think of him like that. He stopped and looked at me.

“That was amazing Kyler.” I smiled hugging him. He smiled that smile that reminded me of when he was four. It hadn't changed, his genuine smile that disappeared when he was four or five whenever it was that Jeff started to whore him. It disappeared over night. I loved his smiled.

“Thanks.” He picked at loose threads on his sleeve. The guy could have been big. He could have gone with From First to Last when they asked him to be their new singer. He wanted to, but the hospital wouldn’t let him. It was sad watching him sit there and sob begging Dr. Xander. Matt Good standing there biting his thumb. He assured the shrink that they could hire a full time shrink or two or how ever many was needed. That he would make sure that the meds got into Kyler. Dr. Xander hadn't budged. Now Kyler was going to be allowed to live with me since he was getting better. The guys in his favorite band still called him, talked to him and invited him to become a member. They were still around and still underground. I was actually glad they weren’t mainstream. People change. The band had started a huge project where for every ticket or item of merch, they sent half of the proceeds to research companies on schizophrenia, bipolar and other mental illnesses.


“Since I’m gonna stay here, can I please join up with the guys in FFTL?”

“Um…I don’t know. Maybe if they call…” I didn’t know. I just got him back. My bestest friend. He was here. Hopefully here to stay. They had discovered a cure for schizophrenia and were currently using it on Kyler. It was working, but I knew that it couldn’t erase what Jeff and Janie had put in him. Half the shit he said or did, I think, had nothing to do with the mild case of schizophrenia.

"M’kay.” I laid on the couch and closed his eyes. “I’m really glad you’re gonna let me stay with you.”

“Me too.” I felt dizzy. I kept getting that way and that was one reason why I was depriving Eddie so much. I went to my bedroom and laid on the bed. I picked up my book I had been reading. About ten minutes later, my husband came in with a smirk.

“Hey sexy.”

“Hi Eddie.” I smiled and went back to reading.

“Do you remember what I told you? About you having to pay for making me wait to get in you after making me happy in the pants?” He said taking the book and straddling me. I was really dizzy then and closed my eyes.

“Yeah, but Eddie…” He cut me off by kissing me.

“Do talk. Just let me have my way with you. Is that okay with you?” I smiled and nodded. I couldn’t make him wait. I had made him wait too much. He was gone so much anyway. I forgave him right then. I didn’t really care that he was cheating when he went on tour. I wasn’t doing what I was supposed to when he was here. I was supposed to let him sex me up so much and as hard as he wanted. That was what I had always been supposed to do, but I didn’t. I looked at the clock. Maybe if this didn’t take to long I could call Mattie and tell him I was gonna take off work for a few days.

“What? You that uninterested in this?” He said playing with my hair.

“No. It’s not that. I was looking to see if maybe after you were done having your way with me, I could call Matthew and tell him that I need to take off for a few days.” I really think he’d be happy. He’d been trying to make me. He said that I was sick. He said that I shouldn’t be at work if I could barely stand at times. He said that it was good for me, my family or business. I kept telling him no. I was fine, but I knew I wasn’t.


“Cuz I should be your little sex slave right now. That’s what I’m supposed to be.” He looked at me confused and brushed my hair back.

“No…no sweetie, you’re supposed to be my husband. My best friend. We’re supposed to talk and go do stuff. You’re not supposed to be my sex slave.”

“I want to be. Really.”
“What were you trying to say before?”

“No…Nothing.” I stammered slowly closing my eyes tightly before reopening them.

“Are you okay?”

“Yeah…” I smiled and rolled on top of him. He had already stripped us both. I sucked him off and then laid next to him smiling. “Now do as you wish.” He stared at me.

“Sure you’re okay?”

“Yeah.” I stared at me for awhile before I got annoyed and impatient. “Just do what you want.”

“If you’re sure.” He said. I laid there as he twisted me, fucked me. Everything new. He showed me this book a week ago and wanted to try some of the more kinky stuff. I agreed. I loved it all. It sent shivers through my body. His way lasted two hours. By that time I couldn’t see anything really and my body began to ache as I started to get back to normal. My vision cleared and I could now see Eddie was buttoning up his shirt staring at me as I pulled on my underwear not sitting up clearly.

“What?” I muttered.

“Uh…nothing….just wow…um, that’s more blood than when you were a virgin. Did I hurt you?” I noticed to sheets soaked with blood.

“No.” I said.

“Come here.” He held out his hands and pulled me to my feet. I pulled on my black tee as he stripped the sheets. I sat down on the computer chair and laid my head on my arm. “Are you okay?” He asked massaging my shoulders.


“You sure you feel okay?”

“Uh huh.”

“Stop it.” He said sternly.

“Stop what?”

“You’re lying babe. What’s wrong?”

“Nothing. I’m not lying.” He got behind me and hugged me.

“Yes you are. Zakky, honey, you’re sick.” I started crying. He can’t know. I didn’t want something to be wrong. “Don’t think that I haven’t noticed that there’s blood every time we fuck. Don’t think that I haven’t noticed the way you don’t even look like you’re focusing on anything. How did you drive? Huh? How?”
“I drove Eddie. I’ve driven about the same length of time you have.”

“Uh, no.” He was crying too. “There’s something wrong. I’m gonna get you fixed okay? You’re gonna be okay. Krystal talked to me a little while I was on tour. Matthew and Scotty called me yesterday. Matthew said that he fired you temporarily because you wouldn’t leave. He’s worried. The only person that we both know you ever deserved. He said that he wanted me to make sure you were okay. You’re not.”

“I’m scared Eddie.” I whispered turning and sobbing into his chest.

“I know. Shhh…doll, It’s okay. I’m taking you to the hospital.”

[A/N: tomorrow is my 16th birthday! so plz comment.]