Blood Soaked Black Rose


Aiden’s POV
She got there in about half and hour. I looked at her. Her soft brown hair was tangled into a messy bun on the back of her head. She was wearing her uncle’s FFTL hoodie. I hated thinking about her uncle. He kinda creeped me out. Just the way he was so quiet and still. The way he couldn’t make a mistake. I shrugged it off and hugged Krystal. Her blue-green eyes were puffy, red and swollen. I kissed her gently.
“What’s wrong?”
“I can’t take not seeing him every day.” She whispered. “I hate not talking to him. I need to talk to him, but Eddie won’t let me go with him to the hospital.
“I’ll take you.” I offered. She looked at me.
“Seriously? You’d do that?”
“What are boyfriend’s for?”
“Oh my gay God! Thank you so much!” She hugged me tightly. She was finally smiling. I got my keys and we went out the car that Matthew and Scotty bought for me. It was a black Cobra. I loved it. I started up the engine enjoying the soft purr. Krystal turned on the radio. Hardcore screamo came over the speakers. She closed her eyes and laid her head on my shoulder as I drove to the hospital.
It was weird being in a hospital. I hated hospitals. The first time I found out that I had to go live with strangers I was in a hospital. They treated me for minor injuries, just a few stitches. I saw my grandparents shaking their heads to this man in a suit looking over to where I sat sucking on a lollypop. My grandparents came over to me. They had tears swollen in their eyes. They looked at me and hugged me. I asked what was wrong. They told me that my parents were with God now and I was to go with the nice man in the suit. He would put me with some nice people that would adopt me hopefully and be my new parents. They told me that they couldn’t take care of a five year old. They didn’t have that much energy, but they loved me and I only needed to call if I ever needed them. They died a few months later. Well, to me anyway. They decided that they were going to travel and not give me the new number.
Kryssi held my hand tightly and pulled me threw the hospital. People were crying everywhere. I hated this place. We got to the cancer ward and Krys cautiously entered a room. Zakky was laying in a bed talking to a nurse who was speaking softly to him. Krystal cleared her throat and they looked at us.
“Hey.” She whispered.
“Hi baby.” Zakky said in a weak voice before he went into a coughing fit. Kryssi pressed her lips together and walked slowly toward him. The nurse left, excusing her self quietly. I watched as my girlfriend hugged her father tightly. I had a flashback of the last time I saw my parents alive.
“Aiden, we have a surprise to tell you.”
“What is it Mommy?” I asked breaking my eyes from staring out the window to her face. She smiled and looked at Daddy.
“You’re gonna have a little brother in a few weeks! Are you excited?”
“Yeah!” I smiled. “Where’s he coming from?” She laughed a laugh that always comforted me. I loved how my parents had black hair, pierced lips and eye brows. Daddy played guitar and promised to teach me. They also had tattoos. They both had one that said, “Aiden” with leaves around it. I touched Mommy’s.
“My tummy.” She smiled
“Oh. Is that why your tummy is fat?”
“Yes it is. Look we’re at Grandma and Grandpa’s house! You’ll be getting Christmas presents in the morning.” Daddy smiled. The car stopped as Daddy parked in the driveway. I sat in my car seat patiently waiting. They got out and Mommy opened my door to get me out. She kissed my cheek. Daddy brushed my hair back as Grandma and Grandpa were coming out of their house with my uncle, aunt and cousins. They were big kids. I liked them. They were cool. All of a sudden I heard a squeal.
“Lizzie, watch out!” There was a scream and Mommy made my car seat snap again. Then Mommy was gone and so was Daddy. There was a big push and the glass broke. I heard my grandma crying. My cousin, Jaiden, came to me. He pulled me out of the car and hugged me.
“What happened?” I asked crying.
“Jaiden, take him inside.” I heard my uncle say in a shaky voice. “Don’t let him see this.” I looked up and saw the blood and saw my parents with their brains on the sidewalk.
I shivered and blinked rubbing my eyes. Kryssi was talking in a hushed voice to Zakky. I leaned against the wall trying to get the flashing to stop.
“Aiden, these are the DelMarri’s.” The man in the suit who turned out to be my social worker. His name was Joshua. I went to the people that were in front of me. They were nice people at first. Until we got to the house.
I spilled my juice that Lydia, the mom, had given to me. I was beaten. It hurt so much. I laid in my room crying.
“Aiden?” I looked up and noticed I was shaking all over. Zakky was asleep and Kryssi had my face in her hands. “What’s wrong babe?”
“Just remembering.” I whispered. She stared into my eyes for a second.
“When you were little?” I almost didn’t hear her. I nodded. “I know how lucky I am that my parents were there. Even if Eddie wasn’t there for three years. Things can’t be perfect right?”
“Yeah.” I hugged her.
“If I ever start being stupid again, will you tell me? Just remind me that things could have been worse?”
“Do I ever not?”

Eddie’s POV
I laid on my bed thinking about my sweet Zakky laying in the hospital fighting his heart out to beat this cancer. I heard Emery and Aubren talking in hushed voices in the living room. I brushed the tears out of my eyes. I was wrapped in Zakky’s jacket despite the heat of the house. I walked into the living room. They instantly hushed.
“Sorry. Were you asleep?” Emery asked.
“Uh, no. It’s okay.” I said quietly sitting on the couch.
“How, how is Mom?” Aubren asked using the title for Zakky he and Emery used until they were ten. He avoided looking at me.
“Uh…not good.” I said wiping away more tears. I felt so awful. That should be me. I should be the one dying. I knew that’s what was happening. He stopped responding to medication. I felt so bad. He was a great person. He was so sweet. So loyal. So amazing.
“Is he gonna die?” Emery asked.
“No.” I whispered. I didn’t know why I lied, but I did. I guess I had to have something to hold on to. I had to believe it. They looked at each other. “So how was your day with Nevin?” I asked smiling.
“Uh, good.” Emery smiled.
“That’s good. Is your sister home yet?” Aubren rolled his eyes.
“Yes, but her and Aiden are making out hardcore in Aiden’s care. I hope you want to be a grandfather before the age of forty.”
“What?” I asked suddenly forgetting about my baby and only concentrated on the fact that my daughter was getting it on with her boyfriend. I stood up and went to go bring her inside.
I saw them in the from seat. She was straddling him. His hands were all over. She trailed he hands down to his jeans. I was so pissed right now. It surprised me how this is what Zakky and I were like. Zakky was Krystal, I was Eddie. He had to make everything turn into sex. That was my rule of dating him and making out with him. He had to tell me what to do. He was in control until our clothes were off. Then he was to lay there and let me contort his body into any position I wanted. Aiden grabbed her hands and broke the kiss. He looked down and started talking. Krystal started crying. She slapped him and jumped out of the car, knocking into me. We were on the ground. Aiden opened the car door. “I’m sorry Krys, but I can’t. I love you, but I can’t. Not now.”
“Are you gay?” Krystal hissed.
“No.” He told me in an even tone.
“Then why won’t you have sex with me? I want it. Please?”
“Krystal.” I said in a warning tone. He wrapped his arms around me. “Don’t.” I knew what happened if you forced someone to do something they didn’t want to do. It messed Zakky up. He deserved a relationship based on love and each other. Not sex. Now I haven’t had sex in a few months. It’s killing me, but I’ll wait.
“Just go home Aiden.” She whispered then kissed him gently.