Blood Soaked Black Rose


Two Weeks Later
J.D.’s POV
I was walking down the hall when someone bumped into me. I fell and my books went everywhere. I waited for a random remark like fag, queer, emo bitch, psycho boy’s friend, physical pain, but it didn’t come. Instead as when I looked up from picking up my books, I see a beautiful boy. He smiled and handed me my books. I felt myself blush. “Thank you.”
“You’re welcome. I’m Aaron Black.”
"Um…J.D. Smith.”
“You should look up instead of your feet when you walk. It helps slightly.” I blushed again.
“So you a freshman?”
“Oh, I’m a senior.”
“You with anyone?”
“No.” I lied pushing Kyler out of my mind.
“Good. You’re cute. Want to go to homecoming with me?”
“Yeah.” I breathed.
“Great! You want to go to out to lunch?” I saw Kyler, Addie and Sean coming toward me.
“Um…tomorrow okay? I have something planned with my friends.”
“Oh, that’s cool. See ya.”
“See ya.” I smiled to myself and watched him walk away.
“Hey J.D. who was that?” Kyler asked.
“Uh…Aaron Black.”
“Oh. Who’s that?” Addie asked. She was due any day now and didn’t think it was a good idea for her to be at school. I still thought she needed to tell Kyler that it was his baby, but her and Sean were stuck on the idea.
“Him. Gosh, can’t we just go to lunch?” I asked pushing past them.
“Kyler has to put stuff in his locker.” I rolled my eyes and turned around.
“Want me to go with you?” I asked. He nodded smiling a little. He said he didn’t want to do what we had done again. He said that it hurt his self-esteem even more. I agreed, but I was used to getting some every night. I needed a fuck buddy. Addie and Sean went to the courtyard and I went with Kyler to his locker. He was so quiet. It was starting to annoy me. He unlocked his locker and put his stuff in and pulled out a necklace that said I love you on a silver heart. It was on a black chocker. He put it on me and showed me that he had the same one.
“Isn’t it cute?” He asked slipping his hand into mine.
“Uh…yeah.” I faked a smile. I saw Aaron come around the corner and I pulled away from Kyler. Aaron stopped by us.
“Hey J.D. So uh, who’s this?”
“My best friend, Kyler. Kyler Andrews.”
“Aw, yeah. I remember now. The guy that tried to kill himself like a few months ago and we had this assembly on suicide, depression and schizophrenia. Dude are you okay?”
“I’m fine.” Kyler whispered looking at his shoes. Damn, he was starting to talk and beautiful boy made him clam up. Grr…but Aaron was drop dead sexy.
“That’s good. Catch you later J.D.”
“Yeah, okay.” I looked at Kyler. He looked on the verge of tears. “What’s wrong?”
“You like him don’t you?”
“No.” I lied. “Kyler, you’re my best friend. You’ve been my best friend since we were three years old. Remember when you helped me make a castle out of dirt?” He smiled and nodded.
“Back before I knew what it was like…”
“Before what was like?”
“Being raped. Feeling sick and dirty and contaminated. Hating myself. Hey, can we go to lunch now?”
"M’kay.” We walked to lunch, him resting his head on my shoulder as he hugged himself and my arms wrapped around his waist. We walked like this before so it didn’t really mean that much. I couldn’t get Aaron out of my head. His black hair, his blue eyes, his glasses, his lip piercing, his slender frame…he was so perfect and never would he hurt me the way Kyler had and does. He wasn’t depressed and suicidal. He wouldn’t hurt me like this.
We sat down at a table where Rachel and Corey were sitting. “Hey Kyler.” Rachel smiled. She had stopped being a little whorey prep while Kyler was in the hospital.
“Hey Rach.” He said and sat next to me.
“Where’s Addie and Sean?” I asked after a little while after me and Kyler had finished eating.
“Nurse. Addie’s water broke.”
“Yeah. They probably didn’t even call an ambulance to take her to the hospital. You know how they did all the other girls. If you go into labor at school, you have the baby naturally in the nurse’s office.”
“Come on Kyler.” I pulled him behind me into the school. When we were in the hall that the nurse’s office was in, we heard screaming, crying and other noises. It kinda sounded like rape to me. Kyler’s eyes were huge.
"J.D., I don’t…”
“You have to!”
“No, really.”
“Don’t you want to be there for the birth of your own daughter?” I screamed shaking him.
“What?” Shit.
”You said don’t I want to be there for the birth of my own daughter. Addie said it was Sean’s baby.”
“Uh…yeah…but it’s going to be like our daughter. We are best friends with Addie right? Besides she asked if we would be the godparents member?”
”So see?”
“Okay.” I couldn’t believe he bought my lie. We went in and Addie was on this thing with a tear stained face.
“Boys, go away.” The nurse said shooing us.
“No, let them….stay.” Addie managed to say before screaming again. Sean brushed back her hair.
“Fine.” The nurse sighed. Ten minutes later, our abused ears heard the sound of a baby crying. I thought it was a beautiful sound. It meant that Emily was okay. I looked at Kyler who looked like he was in trance. He was mumbling shit and hugging himself.
“Ky?” I whispered in his ear hugging him. He kept mumbling.
“You deserve to be punished, you fucking screw up. You ruined my life, boy. I hate you! Stop crying. Mommy, I’m sorry.” I pulled him out of the nurse’s office and pulled him out of the trance. I knew that when he heard crying, he was pulling into a memory of his bitchy mother ruining his childhood, his innocence, everything.
“Don’t touch me.” He whispered. “Shut up! Shut up! No…NO, that’s not true.”
“Did you take your meds today?” I asked hugging him.
“No, please, stop…”
“Kyler!” I said loudly, but I doubt he heard me. I went in the nurse’s office. “Nurse Kandle?”
“What is it Joel?” She asked placing a small bundle in Addie’s arms.
“I don’t think Kyler took his meds today.” I said with a shaking voice.
”He’s talking to himself and he can’t hear me…”
“Okay, I’ll be right there. Actually bring him in here.”
“Mhm.” I went out to the hall and some jocks were pointing at Kyler who was now crying while telling the voices to shut up. The jocks laughed.
“Little faggy, schizo boy having issues?” One said kicking Kyler in the stomach. I was paralyzed with fear as they moved in on him. I knew that he was to busy inside his head to know what was going on.
“Nurse Kandle, um…help?” She shooed the boys away and yelled after them to go to the principal’s office. She had blood on the clothes she was wearing.
“Joel, please bring him in my office.” I did so and sat him on a bed. Addie looked at me and mouthed, see. I nodded, but I’m sure that Kyler would be good at taking care of Kiki. If nothing else but loving her. I watched as Nurse Kandle pulled him to reality.
“Did you take your med for schizophrenia today?” He shook his head no. “Antidepressant?” He shook his head again. “Well Kyler, you have to okay?” She said cleaning the wounds the jocks inflicted.
“They make me feel weird. Different. Not me. I hate the way I feel.” He whispered through tears. She handed him a few pills which he swallowed.
“I know. I’m calling your father.”

Kyler’s POV
“He’s at work. Call my stepdad, Will.”
“I don’t have the number.” I got up and took the phone from her and dialed Will’s number.
“Hey, it’s Kyler.”
“Is everything okay?”
“Yeah. Everything’s great.”
“Mr. Andrews, the phone please?” I handed it to her.
“Mr. Paulo, this is Ashlin Kandle. Yes. Will you please come pick up your stepson? He didn’t take his medication and had a little episode. Mhm, yeah. Okay.” She hung up.
“He’s coming.” I wanted to cry. He would tell my dad. They would ground me. They would go back to watching me take the meds that I hated taking. I hated it. I sat there while Sean and Addie admired Emily and allowed J.D. to hold her.
“Do you want to hold her?”
“I guess.” I went over and held her in my arms. Suddenly nothing mattered but her. She stared at me with big green eyes. She had wispy red hair. I loved her. “She’s so beautiful.” I breathed. I wished that I could have a kid. I knew no girl alive would want to marry a crazy guy and I’m pretty sure J.D. was just being nice by staying with me. Things were different between us since I got out of the hospital. He seemed annoyed and wanted to take control of everything. I guess the closet thing to a kid I would ever get was my goddaughter and nieces and nephews. I wanted to cry. I held her for what seemed like seconds before Will told me we had to go. I realized it’d been thirty minutes. I handed Emily back to Addie.
“What do you think?”
“I wish she were mine.” I whispered hugging her then kissed J.D. and followed Will out.