Blood Soaked Black Rose

And Never Again, And Never Again, I Gave You Two S

Kyler’s POV
I couldn’t take it anymore. I was in my room after another beating. I just…couldn’t take that anymore. I found the gun I had taken from Thomas when I was fourteen and planning to get revenge on the kids at school. Zakky talked me out of it. I held the cool metal in my hands and slowly got up from my bed. Do it! Do it! He deserves it! For once in my life I didn’t tell the voices to shut up, just did what they ordered me to do. Will was nowhere to be seen. This was great. I walked into the room. Liam was sitting on the couch. Did you put the silencer on? I nodded my answer to the voice. Okay, all you have to do is pull the trigger and then no more Daddy. I didn’t even tell myself to bring my arm up and pull the trigger. One minute he was sitting there watching something, the next he was on the floor bleeding. The TV was busted. Will came from the bathroom and froze.
“Kyler what did you do?” He whispered. I just smiled and threw the gun onto the body of my father. Will knelt down and checked his pulse. “You killed him?” He whispered again.
“Really?” The same happiness I had killing my mother and Jeff overwhelmed me. Hahahaha! I laughed as Will called 911. What good was that going to do? I mean all it did was get people to take a dead person to the hospital to pronounce them dead. People that were hurt needed 911, not a dead jerk. Will came over to me.
“Have you been taking your pills?”
“No.” He bit his lip.
“Why’d you do this?”
“I was mad that he was hurting me and the voices told me to just like the voices told me to kill Janie and Jeff.” I laughed again. “You should have seen it. Jeff never saw it coming and Janie, well who would have thought that you could be murdered in a padded room. It was so easy to sneak in. All I had to do was want to be there and I was. They were so freaked out because I was supposed to be in a coma. You leave your body when your in a coma or asleep. I could do it and no one would know. I like the voices Will. They know how to help me.” Will looked at me. There was a knock at the door.
“Stay there.” I nodded and hugged myself. Will explained that I was schizophrenic and hadn't taken my medicine and Liam had beat me so I shot him. The cop glanced at me and muttered something to Will.
“No. I-I don’t think that’s necessary.”
“It is. You have twelve hours to admit him or we’ll do it and you’ll be taken into custody.”
“Yes sir.” I looked at Will after they left.
“What’d he say.”
“Go get your ipod and some clothes.” I nodded and came back a few minutes later with a small black bag on my back.
“Come on.” I followed him wondering where we were going. I wanted to go see Addie and Emily or Zakky or Jaidee. I wanted to get more revenge! Not on them. I loved them. I wanted revenge on the kids at school. Instead we pulled up to Dr. Xander’s office.
“I have an appointment?” I asked confused.
“Uh…no.” He took me in and went to go talk to Dr. Xander. The receptionist glanced nervously at me. Dr. Xander appeared with Will after ten minutes.
“Come with me Kyler.” Dr. Xander smiled. Will hugged me with a tear stained face.
“Bye kid.”
“Bye.” I followed my therapist to his office.
“May I check your bag?” I handed it to him. He found the clothes and my eyeliner, ipod and straightener. My necessities. “Good.”
Dr. Xander smiled at me and leaned across his desk. I chipped at my black nails thinking. “Kyler, did Will explain to you what’s happening?” I shook my head. “You’re being admitted to Black Springs Mental Institute.”
“What?” I stared at him. I didn’t want to be here. I missed Will instantly. I felt so far from Jaidee, Addie, Emily, Zakky and him. I wanted them here. I knew this wasn’t temporary by the way Will cried and the way that Dr. Xander was looking at me. I wanted to cry.
“Kyler, you’ve killed three people. I don’t know how or why, but you did. I know how anger effects you. How you will listen to the voices who tell you to do it. You’re confused between the conflicting thoughts and your subconscious takes over choosing the one that you desire. You have to stay here. You are not allowed out. Understand that this is a hospital that doesn’t make you conform with the other patients. You can dress how you want, dye your hair as long as a staff member is watching. You are allowed an mp3 for music which I will gladly supply and put music on. I know you already have one with you. Also no CD’s are allowed in.” I remembered all my FFTL stuff I’d left behind. I hoped Will didn’t touch it. There was only three other people allowed to and that didn’t include Will. “You share a room with three people.” I hated sharing a room but didn’t say anything.
“What’s wrong?”
“I hate sharing rooms.”
“How about I put you in a room with two people. I’m sure you’ll like them.” I nodded and looked down hugging my bag. I followed Dr. Xander to my room. I put my stuff on the bottom bunk and decided to yell at Motherfucker, the voice who put me in here. All the voices had names, Bitch, Cunt and Asshole.
“Damn you! Why did you make me do that?”
Because you know you wanted to kill him.
“I didn’t.”
You did. I can read your thoughts remember? I can control you.
“Yeah, but I can destroy you.”
How? I’d like to see you try, bitch.
Damn! Foiled. Please don’t. I swallowed the pill that I had been given and laid on my bed. I noticed a girl on the bed opposite me, staring at me. She had reddish-purple hair and gray eyes. She was really pale and skinny. Skinny like Zakky. She was wearing thick eyeliner.
“Hi.” She smiled.
“Hey.” I whispered.
“You’re new?”
”I’m Taylar Silence.”
“I’m Kyler Andrews.”
“Nice to meet you. We share this room with two other guys, Skye and Fire. They’re dating.” I nodded and looked at the pictures on my ipod.
“Why are you in here?” I asked glancing at her.
“Ugh. You tell me first.”
“I asked first.”
“Just tell me.”
“Fine. I’m schizophrenic and murdered my parents. Happy?”
“Oh, wow. Um, I tried to kill myself and my parents think I’m a disappointment, so I’m here. Xander takes us in. He’s a great guy.”
“Yeah. I tried to kill myself once when I was thirteen and again when I was fifteen.” She smiled at me.
“You go outside of your body during the coma part.” I nodded smiling too.
“That’s when I kill my mother and Jeff, my stepfather.”
“Why’d you do that?”
“My mom beat me from the time I was born and Jeff did the same only raped me from four to fifteen.” She nodded.
“Wow. That’s tough.”
“And I killed my dad today because the voice named Motherfucker told me too. He made me do it. He used to be a nice guy, but then he went back to drugs and alcohol because I wasn’t what he wanted. See I just met him. Anyway he started hitting me too and I got tired of it.”
“Fair enough. How old are you?”
“Sixteen. Well, just barely.”
“I’m eighteen.” She smiled.
“So why are you even in here?”
“I like it here. It’s the only place I really ever belonged.” I nodded.
“Do you have any friends on the outside?”
“No. Do you?”
“Yeah. I also have a eighteen month old daughter, don’t ask and a nine month old niece.” She nodded.
“You’re lucky.”
“Not really. I hate myself so much.”
“Well things get better.”
“How? We’re in a fucking mental hospital!”
“Exactly. Xander is great and so are the other people here. You’ll find people to relate to. You don’t have to remember prescriptions since they give them to you and they have great food. Even vegan and vegetarian.” I smiled at this. Two boys walked in. One looked like he was Taylar’s age, the other mine.
“Hello.” The older one said. He had on a pair of tight black jeans and a blue shirt. His hair was dyed blood red and he had black eyes.
“Kyler, this is Skye. Skye, Kyler.”
“Hey.” I smiled back at his greeting.
“And this is Fire.” Fire was beautiful. He had black hair that fell into his face. He wore eyeliner and was dressed in an FFTL shirt with a black and purple hoodie, black converse and tight jeans. His eyes were a soft electric purple. I wondered if they were natural.
“What’s up?” Fire smiled. His smile was breath taking and his voice was beautiful. I couldn’t believe it. How could there be nice people in a mental institute? Fire crawled on the bunk above mine and began singing. I closed my eyes and fell asleep to the beautiful melody. Maybe things weren’t so bad here…