‹ Prequel: Starlight (book 3)

Skylight (book 4)


I never really paid any attention. I never looked close enough. I’ve have too many distractions. Being caught up in a deep depression helps you look closer, for by then you’re looking for the distractions and you find yourself completely amazed by what you can find.

The way the trees move… the sounds the leaves whisper... the mystic feeling the moon always provides… the warmth of the sun on your cool skin… the notion the stars provide of feeling so small… and the sky dominating all as it sat above you.

I also happened to notice that I could have created more constellations other than Saloma, the constellation that Eamon and I created so long ago. How long ago was it? It has been five years since Maeve and Nadir’s death… add six months to that… plus another year… six years and six months ago. But the only thing the stars could create when they connected was Maeve’s warm smile and Nadir’s love for her. Which caused him to kill himself when she was killed…

Eamon… his arm was wrapped around me as we laid facing the sky. His straight chocolate brown hair hung over his ears and above his eyes perfectly. He had the same colored eyes that I had. Black. Like all vampires…

That reminded me of another distraction. The way we all ran… there was a subtle difference. It took me a few months to decide what animal each of us ran similar too.

Jacinda, the mother like figure of us all with wavy, bright blonde hair ran with the grace of a gazelle.

Dakarai, Jacinda’s husband who always seemed to be the most dominant of us all with the same color of hair as Eamon only much shorter, ran with the power of a grizzly.

Rezse, the stealthy and quiet on of us with the dark past that we still do not know (and the one that turned me) with long grayish/black hair that hung over his ears and slightly his eyes ran with the stealth of a polar bear.

Rutley, the young misunderstood one of us all, with light-ish brown hair that he let grow past his chin ran with the swiftness of a squirrel.

Kyra… I remember before when I thought that the way Kyra, my sister, wasn’t exactly running. She carried herself so swiftly with such beauty and grace it was like she wasn’t really running, but soaring. Soaring like an eagle. Kyra was without question the most beautiful of us all. Her long, honey brown hair hung below her waist. Her face was that which would make a super model so envious she’d go and get plastic surgery. No girl could look at Kyra and not feel just a little jealous. Even I was affected by her looks.

Eamon... he ran with the elegance of a mountain lion. There was no way to describe it.

I felt like I ran with the agility of a cheetah.

I closed my eyes tight and laid my head on Eamon’s chest. He held me closer to him, we both remained quiet. It wasn’t until an hour had past when I realized that my muted thirst had decided to show itself. I haven’t hunted in weeks… I was bound to be getting thirsty. I sat up straight, and Eamon came with me. Worry was in his eyes. I touched his face gently, kissed him on the lips and then whispered;

“I’ll be right back.” And I was gone.

All of these distractions, they hardly helped. I still felt the same way when Maeve and Nadir, other members of our family, died in a horrible battle between vampire covens. I haven’t healed at all.

“None of us have.” Kyra said. I turned around to find her running up to me. I simply looked down, my short layered black hair hid my pale face. Even though there was no need. There was nothing to hide from Kyra, on account of she was a mind reader.

“Well duh.” Kyra said, a little smile on her face. That made me smile. Despite losing Maeve and Nadir, Kyra still thought positively. That made my smile widen.

When Kyra was turned (by the worst sort of vampire you can imagine) her boyfriend and soon to be fiancé was murdered by the vampire that bit her, in front of her eyes. Five years ago she decided that it was time to move on (after, of course, slaughtering the vampire that killed him). I haven’t seen her as her old self in quite some time. It brought me comfort.

Kyra giggled quietly to herself and closed her eyes. I did the same, we were hunting, after all. We needed to take in the world around us to locate our prey.

The forest was filled with life. Bugs of all sorts that made me cringe. They had nothing appealing to any creature other than lizards and such. Trees… I was not about to go eat leaves. Then I caught the scent of a pack of wolves, many miles away, all hunting as well. Being meat eaters, they smelled the best. I took in a deep breath, and their blood made my throat burn with thirst. In the next second, I was onto them. Moving quickly through the trees, whipping past bushes and anything in my way. They wolves came into clearing, and I pounced. I landed on top of one. We rolled a few yards. I heard it whine and cry out in protest and fear as the other wolves scurried off in a panic. I heard Kyra land on another. They were all freaking out now, scattering in different directions howling their panicked cries, none of which compared to the two wolves we just took down.

The second I had landed on the wolf my teeth had already cut through its skin. It was dead by the time the wolves were all gone. Once my thirst had been clenched, I stepped away from it, licking my lips. Even though the creatures we were killing were ‘just animals’, I still felt awful… but then again, it wasn’t as if we had locked these animals up in little cages, let them grow up in there and then killed them. At least they got to live first…

I sighed and looked at the sky. If Maeve was still with us, she’d run like a doe.
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And so we begin the final part of the Moonlight Series. I really hope to get a lot of comments, for it is the last book and all...

I hope you enjoy reading it. I'll try and update as often as I can.