‹ Prequel: Starlight (book 3)

Skylight (book 4)


Her eyes fluttered. I wondered if she was trying not to wake, but slip back into sleep. That image reminded me of something, a long time ago.

When quiet battle between sleep and consciousness was over, she threw her eye lids open, not bothering to be subtle. She took five minutes to examine every one of us until she reached me. That was where her eyes locked.

“You.” She mouthed. She was obviously still very weak, and she didn’t seem anxious to get to her feet. She was obviously happy where she sat. I threw a quick glance at Eamon, who was by my side in a second with his arm around me. She stared at him, and then me. This went on for an unknown amount of time until she muttered:

“Who are you?” I stiffened, and so did Eamon.

“We are a coven of creatures like you.” Jacinda said, speaking up. The girl glanced at her uncomfortably and then back to us. The question was obviously meant for Eamon and I.

“We are a part of this coven. But… who are you? Where did you come from?” Eamon asked. I seemed to have lost my voice. My mind was on other things. Rezse to be exact.

“…I don’t know anymore.” She whispered. This time she glanced at the door. Her eyes widened with some sort of craving. I knew what it was. Our house was much too close to town. I shoved myself back into reality and ran towards the door, beating this girl to it. I didn’t bother being gentle. Swinging my arms down on her back I clutched her shirt and swung her around, slamming her back into the coach. The coach was shoved on its back instantly in response to the impact. The girl rolled off of its back and into the wall which shook the house, leaving a very noticeable dent.

Everyone moved quickly. Everyone except me ran to the girl, holding her in place. She suddenly became violent, her eyes flamed with the maddening thirst.

“We need to take her hunting, this is torturing her!” Jacinda exclaimed, struggling to bring the biting and snarling girl to her feet. Dakarai helped, as did Rutley.

We all thought they had a good hold on her. Obviously the wolf Eamon had given the girl had revived her vampiric strength and speed. She slipped out of their grasp and straight towards me, or maybe to the door. Wherever she was going, I was ready. My right hand went straight towards her throat, forcing her down to her knees as I caught both her wrists with my left. I managed to stare her down. She became very still as she began to beg.

“Let me have them…” She whimpered. I wasn’t making my face hostile, but understanding and hopefully comforting.

“You have been avoiding them, haven’t you?” I whispered. She nodded and began to sob.

“You know it’s wrong to kill. Don’t give in now. We will take you far from them, and help you manage your thirst without being a monster.” I persuaded, she looked up, still begging.

“So… thirsty… hurts… burns… burning… please…” She whispered. I looked up at everyone. They moved quickly, helping me pull her out of the house and far away from town, into the woods.

She spent hours hunting, eventually calming down. She refused to speak to us for a week after. We only discovered that her name was Nia, and ever since she had been changed and discovered what she was (which was a month before we met her) she had stayed as far from a human scent as possible. She had caught the feintest smell of human blood, and followed it mindlessly. That was where she reached our town.

Nia stayed with us, in my room. I let her have it without protest. She did not seem to show any interest to leave our coven, but neither did she show an intention to stay. We were at a loss for her, but we had other things to worry about.

Rezse has not come back. Not for almost two weeks. Dakarai has been irritable, pacing back and forth outside, waiting for him to return. The rest of us remained quiet, while Kyra and her mindreading self was understandable.

“Let’s just go find him!” Dakarai exclaimed one day, obviously about to lose it, “It’s obvious he’s not coming back! We have to go get him!” He shouted. We had all been sitting in the living room. Nia was sitting in the upstairs hallway, which made a smallish balcony above our living room. She was sitting against the railing with her back towards us. Kyra was in the kitchen, in view of the living room, sewing (she had taken an interest in it a week after Maeve had died. It was one of her distractions…)

“Oh sit down and be quiet.” She said. Dakarai shot her an icy glare; she took no notice in it. She didn’t even look up. Her feet were resting on the table as she slouched in her chair. Dakarai took in a deep breath.

“FOR THE LOVE OF GOD KYRA! WE HAVE A RIGHT TO KNOW! TELL US RIGHT NOW!” Dakarai screamed at the top of his lungs. I rolled my eyes and leaned against Eamon. Dakarai should know better than shout at Kyra. That wasn’t a way to get her to tell you something you want to know.

“He’ll come back when he comes back.” She muttered. Her calm tone hadn’t changed.

“And when will THAT be!?” Dakarai snapped. She sighed and shook her head. Lifting the scarf she was sewing, she looked at Jacinda.

“Hey, Jacinda, you like scarf’s right?” She asked casually, holding up the fluffy blue and purple scarf she was working on. Dakarai looked as if his head might explode. I smiled and looked down at my feet. Eamon coughed up a quiet laugh.

“Kyra,” Dakarai said through his teeth. No one saw Kyra move. All I knew was in one second she was sitting down with her feet up, and in the next she was on her tippy toes staring Dakarai in the eyes with a cold glare.

“What makes you think that Rezse leaving is about you? When I said sit down and shut up I meant it! He’ll come back without you having to go out and fetch him! Now for the love of God sit and calm down!” The words were said so quickly you’d think they’d be smashed together, unable to understand. But Kyra kept said each word perfectly, and almost relaxed. Dakarai for once listened, but he didn’t obey. Instead he just stormed out of the room. Kyra stared up at Nia.

She stared back.

“Um… yes, Kyra. I do like scarves.” Jacinda said.
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Wow it's been a while since an update.

I cannot begin to tell you how chaotic my life has been the past few weeks. I'm sorry it took so long to update, and it shouldn't take as long next time. Please comment, and I'm sorry if there are any mistakes. I'll fix them later. But I didn't have any time to edit.
