Seize the Day

Kelly Haner has always been a happy go lucky girl with no care of what will come tomorrow. One year ago she was in a mind blowing car accident, leaving her with a scar running from the top of the inside her right thigh all the way down to her ankle, and a dead fiance. Her world had been turned upside down and she was only 16. After loosing Kyle She decides it's time to go off on her own. Now she lives with her older brother, Brian Haner, and the rest of his insane band.

Her 3 best friends in the entire world, Clare, Gaby, and Nixie, Are all in the band with her, The Poison Touch. When they are offered a touring spot with avenged sevenfold, Kelly and her friends are overwhelmed. Kelly Decides the tour is as good a time as any to tell Jimmy how she feels. How will he respond? Will he return her feelings or will he reject them painfully? And more importantly, is he willing to handle the consequences of his decision?