To Repay A Loan You Should Never 1)Give Away Your Daughter 2)Bind Her In A Arranged Marriage

Money. Cars. Credit Cards.That's how you repay a loan.You know.Work harder.Sell your belongings.Sell your house.Your car. Not your stinkin daughter. Gah.

So they borrowed a loan and we're living in the guys house.

Yes they're grateful.

Just to repay a loan i have to marry the dude's son. You can tell I'm not happy about that. Well you'd be right.

When Lexi Dana Richardson 's parents borrow a loan, their pride leads them to promising a arranged marriage for their daughter.

When her parents inform her they're having dinner tonight, with the people who gave them the house, she had no idea that they were introducing her to her new life. She had no idea she was being introduced to her new family. And certainly no idea of her new ideal husband!

Now thrown into a new life how will she cope?