To Repay A Loan You Should Never 1)Give Away Your Daughter 2)Bind Her In A Arranged Marriage

My heart goes blank blank.

Peace, love and Oreos

thankss :D rivals are insane , storyluver1143 and dawg_lover123 :)

I don't cry. I don't cry. I do not cry. I do not cry. Yes Lexi repeat and break down the words. That'll make all of this disappear. Keep repeating. Keep on repeating.

Big girls don't cry. Didn't fergie say that? Yeah it was her. Big girl's do not cry. So therefore. I Lexi Richardson can not and should not cry. Oh wow i missed out my middle name there.

I didn't even look up once. I should have i know. But i wanted to run run and run. One of the biggest things i do in life. Run.


She wiped the tears from her eyes. She wouldnt cry. Lexi dana richardson never cries! Shes not weak . She ran and ran and didnt look where she was going. She looked up to find herself at
her local park. She sniffled a bit more before folding her arms infront of her chest defensively

She went towards the deserted swing and sat on it. Back and fourth Back and fourth. Only motion she could feel. Everything around her was eerie quiet. Her arms still folded. Why did her parents want to get rid of her that quickly? Was she that bad? Was she too much to handle? Normally the ones she cared about, the ones she loved left her. Now they're pushing her away?!?! What the actual buck.

He ran. He ran and ran and ran. Like he feet knew where they were going. He ran like the wind. He actually did.

His feet froze. He took a look around. Where the hell was he?

He saw alot of grass. Grass grass grass. It surrounded him. But a nice shade of green. It was summer after all. He gave a frown. Funny how the weather did not match his mood and clearly did not math lexi's.

Lexi. That was the reason he had run like a mad man. Lexi. Where was she?

He heard the creaking sound of a swing. He instinctly spun around to investigate the sound when he saw the brunette which had been on his mind, on the swinging. Eyes spaced out. A blank distant look shining through. He gave another frown. That wasn't the Lexi he knew.

Blank blank. Funny how me, the girl who never ever stops thinking, is simply not thinking. Something is always on my mind. Always. And now.. nothing? All i see is grass and all i feel is blank. Not an emotion not a feeling just thinking blank.

Maybe it's the grass getting to me. Maybe the grass has gotten to my brain. Wowza, i can not think straight at the moment. And its so flipping fantastic cos i should be thinking about so many things right now.

Suddenly i felt a hand on my shoulder and gave a jump.

I crept up to her, slowly slowly. I knew about Lexi's tendency to freak out. i knew about her tendency to choose flight over fight. And most times, she ran. And most times? I chased her.

"What the-!?!?" The brunette jumped off the swing ready to turn and attack.
"Woahhh!!" Liam ducked out the way.
"Liam?!" The brunette yelled out in disbelief.
"What the hell are you doing here? Not bad even your family ruined my life, now you're stalking me?!?!" She yelled her hands in fists.

"Woah woah woah. "Liam waved his arms infront of his chest defensively trying to calm the angered brunette down.
"Calm down. " He advised taking hold of her wrists. Her eyes softened as soon as he took hold of her wrist. Words left her and she felt her mind go blank. She forgot why she was angry. She forgot everything. She felt a jolt travel up her arm and her cheeks instantly turned red.
His eyes lit up as she stared back into his. For once, Lexi wasn't running away.

They both stayed there for a few seconds.
'Angry Lexi you're angry. You're meant to be angry.' This thought struck her as she began to pull away.
She snatched her wrists out of his hold.
"Don't touch me! Don't even tell me what to do!"She yelled anger building up again.

"No. I barely know you. I barely know your family and here we are about to get married. Married. Marriage. A word I despise! And now i have to move in with you lot. Why? Why?"She ranted taking steps back arms waving infront of her in frustration.

"Just go away. Leave me alone."She yelled brokenly. Nothing was making sense. Nothing was adding up. Her parents were just giving her away just like that. They didn't even care about her. They didn't want her.

But ofcourse she didn't voice these thoughts out loud. She just kept taking more and more steps back.

Suddenly she smashed into a chest.
"Lexi?"A voice got out confused.

"Lexi hun you got everything?"A voice called out. The brunette nodded before realizing her mum couldn't see her.
"Yeah mum. "She replied with a sigh before taking one last look around and zipping her last suitcase.
That month went quick.