My Submission Is Your Addiction


"Damnit!" Daniel yelled as I punched him. He swung. His fist coming in conact with my jaw.

"Ugh." I grunted grabbing my chin.

"I'm done!" I laughed getting up. As much as it may sound like abuse, me and Daniel always fight like this. Call it our way to bond if you will.

"You're such a wimp, Dale!" he yelled after me.

Yup, that's my name. Dale Lila Su. I'm 17 years old. My family is Chinese, I was adopted. I still see my real mom, but not too much. It's a long story. I have no idea why they named me 'Dale Lila' considering it sounds a hell of a lot like 'Delilah'. I went to my room and picked up Jasmine. Jasmine is my little puppy. She's a miniature collie; I got her for my birthday 2 years ago. I glanced at the clock then outside. It was 7 o'clock and it just got dark. Perfect. I grabbed the leash off my doorknob and ran downstairs.

"Mom, can I go on a walk around the neighborhood?" I yelled standing at the front door.

"Be back in around half an hour." she responded. I made sure I had my ipod and stepped outside. Jasmine always gets way too excited about walks. She was running around everywhere as I slipped my earbuds in and clicked on my playlist with all of my Michael Bubble` and Yiruma stuff together. I headed down the dark, peaceful street, smiling at the peaceful music flowing through my ears.I love our neighborhood. Me and Daniel are the only teenagers in the neighborhood. There are a lot of old people and a lot of toddlers. I liked it. I was getting to my favorite part of the neighborhood. It was lined with street lamps and had a bunch of trees on one side. Jasmine was walking along happily with her tongue hanging out. I started singing one was around. I heard a car door slam, causing me to jump and look around. I was guessing it was on a different street when I didn't see anyone. I kept walking. I heard someone talking and yanked out the earbuds.

"Finally! Hello." someone said. I turned to look at the street. A guy was standing there looking at me expectantly.

"Hi." I said shortly.

"I'm Jon." he said stepping closer and holding out a hand.

"Dale." I said shaking it.

"So..." he said.

"So." I repeated.

"Where do you live?" I asked.

"There." he answered pointing at the house across the street.

"Since when?" I asked. Martha and Larry Walker live there. (More old people)

"Yesterday. We got evicted so me and my parents are living with my dad's parents." he explained.

"Oh, sorry." I said quickly.

"S'not your fault, but where do you live? You're the only young person I've seen so far." he laughed.

"I live up the hill and to the right." I said pointing, "My brother and I are the only teenagers here." I added quickly.

He nodded, "Cool dog, I have cats, but dogs are cool, too."

I laughed, "This is Jasmine." I said then looked at my ipod. Shit. I have 5 minutes to get home.
"I have to get home, but you could come over?" I offered feeling sorry for the guy.

"I'll ask." he said jogging across the street and over to his house. He didn't go in, just popped his head in. About 30 seconds later he was jogging back.
"Okay." he smiled. I nodded and started walking. We chatted about pointless stuff the whole way home. I went up to my front door and swung it open.

"Mom!" I yelled not knowing where she would be. Her response came from the kitchen. I walked in.

"This is Jon, he just moved in the neighborhood." I explained.

She smiled, "Hi, Jon, I'm Lee."

"Hi." he said returning the smile.

"He's gonna hang out for a while." I said heading upstairs.

"Who?" Daniel asked popping his head out of his room.

"Jon, Daniel. Daniel, Jon." I said dully.

"Wait, Daniel Su?" Jon asked.

"Jon Walker?" Daniel questioned glaring at Jon. I pulled Jon into my room, because my brother gets fucking scary sometimes.

"You know my brother?" I aked.

"Yeah, well...kinda...he hates me and my friends, because Spencer stole his ex." Jon explained. I smiled.


"Yes. Spence is the one she was cheating with."

"I know Spencer, well, we don't hang out very much, but occasionally." I rambled, " do you?" I asked.

"We go to school together."

"So you go to my school....I've met you before!" I said kind of loud.

"I remember that!" he laughed. We both started laughing, then he stopped.

"Damn." he mumbled running his hand across my wall, "Nice wallpaper."

"It's not wallpaper, I painted that." I stated. Two years ago I painted the "Starry Night" by Vincent Van Gogh on my wall and took my curtains down making my own curtains out of neck ties. Random? Yes.

"Damn." he repeated, "This is the coolest room ever!" he was looking at my stereo and record player in one corner before he glanced at the other corner and saw my keyboard, guitars (electric and acoustic), Bass, and drum set.

"Thanks." I laughed.

"Can you really play all of this?" he asked amazed. I nodded.

"Wait, where's your bed?" he asked looking around.

"Oh, I sleep on the couch." I said motioning to the blue futon next to the window.

"How is that comfortable?" he asked.

"It's not bad." I shrugged. He nodded. I hadn't really looked at him until now. He was cute...wait. Cute wasn't the right word. My puppy is cute. He's more...what's the right word? Handsome? Sexy? Sexy. As strong of a word as that is...Jon Walker is the best definition of it.

"Got a girlfriend?" I blurted out stupidly.

"Nah, you got a boyfriend?" he asked.


"I definitely don't have a girlfriend." Daniel snapped from the doorway glaring at Jon.

"Not my fault!" Jon defended holding up his hands.

"Daniel, get it through your head! Crystal only dated you, because you had tickets to an AC/DC concert." I snapped.

"Dale, keep in mind, I know where you sleep!" he started as Jasmine hopped around his feet, "and your little dog, too." he added leaving.

I looked at Jon who was trying not to laugh.

"So, I met you at Spencer's party last year. Were you still there when Travis threw Brendon into the pool?" he asked. I shook my head.

"Travis scares the shit out of me. I left when he got there."

"He wasn't invited; He likes to ruin our lives." he shrugged. I laughed.

"Who's Brendon?" I asked quickly.

"Oh, come on! Brendon Urie! You can't miss him. He's the loud drama queen." Jon said.

"Oh...him." I laughed and my phone rang. I pulled it out and pressed ignore. It's Rachel, I'll call her later.

"So do you have any siblings?" I asked.

"Yeah, I have an older brother."

"I'm sorry." I sighed. He laughed.

"I just ignore him most of the time. He's a senior...again." he sighed. I laughed. Jon jumped and pulled out his phone.

"Crap. I have to go. I'll see you later?" he asked opening my door.

"Yup. Bye!" I said waving. He ran downstairs and I heard him say 'thanks' to my mom for letting him hang out. I laughed and called Rachel back.