My Submission Is Your Addiction


“I don’t want to go.” I snapped, from my spot in Jon’s passenger seat.

“Well, you are.” Jon sang, and I could hear the smirk in his voice.

“I won’t go.” I muttered crossing my arms.

“You can’t really walk anyway.” He laughed.

“It’s not funny!” I snapped, slapping his leg. I glared at the side of his head, but Jon stared forward unyielding. I continued, until we stopped at a stop light. Jon looked over at me and laughed.

“I don’t think you can admit me in a hospital without my medical records.”

“I think I can put you in the emergency room, I’m just not able to pick you up and sign your papers and stuff.”

“That sounds so technical.” I mumbled sarcastically.

“Do I look like I know how the medical business works?”

“You knew my leg was hurt.” I shrugged.

“I know about injuries.” Jon corrected.

“I don’t like you right now.” I pouted.

“Well, I think you’re adorable right now.” He retorted. I turned my head towards the window to keep him from seeing my reaction, making a casual ‘Hmph’ noise.


We got to the hospital and Jon got out of his car, before coming around to my side, and pulling me out. He resituated his arm around my waist and was practically holding me up as we headed into the emergency room. He got me sat down in a chair and went to talk to the person at the desk, coming back a few moments later and pulling out his cell phone.

“Call your parents.” He said handing it to me. I pouted at him for a second.

“Call ‘em.” He said nodding towards the phone I was holding. I sighed before flipping it open and dialing my Mom’s work number.

“Hello?” She answered.

“Hey, mom.”

“Dale? What’s wrong?”

“Jon thinks I broke my leg.” I said, and he looked at me wide eyed, feigning innocence.

“What? When?” The questions started flying.

“No, mom, we’re at the emergency room.”

This just caused more confusion and motherly worry.

“Yes, mom, I know.” I muttered after a second.

“I’ll be down there soon.” She said.

“Okay.” I muttered, ending the call.

“On a scale of one to ten how worried is she?”

“She’s a mother. They have their own scale.” I muttered, frowning. He laughed again.

“I do not understand how you find the situation humorous.”

“I just don’t understand why you don’t want to fix your leg. What if you kept walking on it, and it healed weird where you weren’t able to walk right eventually.”

“Wait, that doesn’t make sense. That’s not possible.”

“It’s completely possible!”

“No, it doesn’t.”

“So, you think it’s broken above or below the knee?” Jon asked.

“I’m not the one who thinks it’s broken!” I looked at him smirking.

“Alright, well if you can’t bend your knee, then I think it’s above the knee, which makes me wonder why on earth you thought it’d be a good idea to walk on it…and how you were even able to walk on it.”

“With much difficulty.”

“Oh, before they take you back. I told them I was your brother.”

“What? Why?” I laughed.

“Cause they’re cool with brothers, they despise boyfriends.”

“How do you know all this?!” I asked wide eyed.

He just smirked.

A few short minutes later, a nurse came forward and took us down a hallway and into a dark room.

“Hop up here.” She said patting the big metal table. I raised an eyebrow at the top of head as she scribbled more stuff onto her clip board. Jon smirked and grabbed my hips, setting me onto the table.

“Thanks.” I mumbled, thankful for the dim lighting to hide my red face.

“Alright,” She started, pulling out a drawer and pulling out a big grey…thing. She moved my legs so that they were up on the table and I winced, before she put the big grey thing down over my torso.

She asked Jon to sit in a chair, against the wall, as she moved the huge machine overhead around, and I watched the little green cross it was shining down onto my leg.

“Okay, hold your leg like…this.” She twisted my leg to the side and I winced, trying to hold it there, as she headed over to a computer and clicked some things, telling me to hold still.

This process happened several times, before she finally let me lay my leg at a normal angle.

“Okay,” She turned on a little board that lit up on the wall and slid the x-rays through it, when Jon’s phone started ringing. She glanced at him pointedly, and he said, “I had to keep it on, cause our parents are coming.” Like it was obvious, before flipping it open.

“Hello?...Yeah, yeah, I’ll come get you.” He hung up the phone and glanced at us, “They’re here, so can I go bring them in.”

The nurse tried her best to look annoyed, but she was seriously failing at it, “Hurry.”

We sat in an awkward silence until Jon returned.

Mom entered, and glanced at me, shaking her head disapprovingly, before looking at the nurse.

“You’re,” She glanced at her clipboard, “Dale’s mom?”

“Yes,” She nodded.

“Okay,” The nurse looked back to the glowing white board and lifted up a hand, “It looks like there’s a few small hairline fractures along her femur. Her fibula looks like if she walks on it anymore, it will snap in half, but now there’s just a long fracture running almost all the way through it, and her tibia in severely bruised.”

I glanced at Jon, who was staring at the x-rays wide-eyed.

“I’m curious as to how this happened.” The nurse continued.

“So am I.” Mom replied raising an eyebrow in my direction.

“I was fighting with Daniel and he fell on my leg.” I grumbled, crossing my arms.

“Daniel is…?”

“My other son.” Mom said. The nurse nodded, righting something else down.

“Alright,” The nurse said, before heading over to the phone on the table, pressing a few numbers on it and saying into the receiver, “I need a chair in 37c.”

Not even a minute later, another nurse came in with a wheelchair, and I was being ushered into it.

“Wait, what’s going to happen?” I squinted.

“I’d assume you’re getting a cast.” My mom said, glancing at me.

“Wait, like a full leg cast?”

“I don’t know how else they would do it.”

“How am I going to do anything with a full leg cast?!” I asked wide eyed before, “What can I even wear over a full leg cast? How am I going to bathe?”

“Shh.” My mom scolded, putting a hand on my shoulder. I frowned, when a hand was being held in front of my vision. I looked up to see Jon raising his eyebrows. I grabbed his hand and looked down to hide the pleased smile on my face.
Obviously, they couldn’t put a cast over my sweatpants, and it’s not like I had any other pants handy, so Jon went out to his car and managed to find an old pair of basketball shorts that I got to change into. I guess it’s a better option than them cutting the left leg of my sweatpants off really short.
About an hour later the doctor was tightening the straps on the boot that I have to wear for two weeks, then I come back and it will probably another two weeks after that. Oh, joy.

Same for the odd cast around my thigh, it’s pink. Jon stayed at the hospital the entire time and I think my mom’s in love with him. Dad is, too.

“I’m looking forward to school so much.” I smiled sarcastically as I maneuvered myself around with the crutches.

“You’re not going to school tomorrow.” Mom said quickly.


“You don’t have to go to school until you're feeling up to it; we’ll get your work at home. We’d rather you stay home and get better.”

“But I have a big test tomorrow that I don’t want to have to make up.”

“Dale,” My mom frowned, “You’re staying home.”

“I don’t want to stay at our house.” I groaned.

“We’ll find somewhere for you to stay tomorrow while we’re at work,” My mom started, “Why don’t you talk to your brother.”

“She could stay at our house,” Jon spoke up, “My grandparents are always home while I’m at school.”

I glanced up at him, and he paused before quickly adding, “If you want to.”

And that is how I ended up staying at Jon’s house during school the next day.
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Friggin' short chapter. My apologies. I'm still going to try to finish/get close to finishing all of my stories by the end of summer. Hopefully. :D

Happy Summer!