My Submission Is Your Addiction


I took Jasmine on her daily walk and ended up once again, in Jon’s house. James is gone today, ironically enough; he’s hanging out with Daniel. We’re sitting in his room -which happens to me much cleaner than yesterday-, eating ice cream on his bed, and talking about anything that comes to mind.

“Is it weird that I find Brendon and Ryan adorable and kind of want to lock them up in my room and spoil them?” I asked Jon.

“Uh,” he said slowly, “well, they aren’t dating.”

“No, no. I know that. I just mean…as individual people, like, they’re both adorable, but it’s not like a type of adorable that makes me want to marry or date them or anything, just like I said…I want to lock them up in my room, and spoil them for the rest of my life.”

“Yeah, that’s weird.” Jon said finally. I hit his arm before we both started laughing uncontrollably.

“Seriously tho-Oh my God what was that?!” I squealed pulling my feet up on the bed. Jon bends over the edge of the bed before scooping something up and pulling it onto the bed.

“Dale, meet Clover.” He said holding out the cat. I reached out cautiously and touched its head a bit, before pulling my hand back.

“You don’t like cats.” He stated.

“It’s not really a dislike or the species, it’s more of a…terrified of them beyond all reason.”

He smirked a little before walking to his door and placing the cat outside of it, shutting it.

“Then we’ll just keep them out.”


“Clover and Dylan, I have two.” He explained.

“What if the other one is in here?!” I asked wide eyed.

“It’ll be okay.” He chuckled. I sighed and tried to relax a bit.
♠ ♠ ♠
This was totally a filler.