My Submission Is Your Addiction


“How has your day been?” Brendon asked brightly as I sat down at lunch. I looked at him for a second confused before remembering that today was Friday and groaning.

“Ugh, piano lesson, Shoot, I forgot!”

“I can run you over to Dale’s after school.” Rachel offered.

“No, I’ll just text him and see if he can pick me up.” I sighed.

“Wait, you’re Dale.” Jon said slowly.

“Indeed, I am.” I nodded.

“I got this one.” Rachel said, “Dale’s brother is also named Dale.”

“Your brother is Daniel though…” Spencer squinted.

“No, her real brother, her blood brother, Daniel is just her adopted brother.”

“So…you know your real brother?”

“I know my whole real family, well minus my dad, he’s in jail, but my stepdad’s nice. My brother gives me piano lessons.” I shrugged.

“Why didn’t they, uh…why were you…?” Ryan asked.

“My mom was raped when she was like 20 or something; I apparently look just like my real dad, so she really didn’t want to see me. I guess I kind of understand. Whatever, but she liked the name Dale for a girl and a boy. She already had my brother and named him Dale, but since she wasn’t keeping me she named me the same.” I took a deep breath after explaining that.

“Jerk, well, no offense, but seriously. So what if you look just like your dad, aren’t you supposed to?” Brendon asked.

“Yeah, but my real family is rich, so I’m rich, so who cares, y’know?” I smirked.

“You’re rich, why didn’t I know this sooner?!” Brendon sighed.

“Maybe someday I’ll get around to buying a car.” I laughed.

“Hopefully soon.” Rachel mumbled.

“You love driving me around, just admit it.”

“Yeah, yeah, yeah.” She scoffed.


“D!” Dale yelled out the window of his car as I stepped into the parking lot. I motioned with my hand for him to come over, signaling I wanted to talk for a few minutes.

“D…you are D?” Spencer asked. I nodded.

“So this is the legendary Dale.” Brendon said loud enough for him to hear, “And how has your day been?”

“My day’s been pretty relaxing. Legendary, eh?” Dale asked raising an eyebrow.

“To Brendon you are.” Rachel filled him in.

“Well then, I’m Dale.” He offered his hand. Brendon shook it as everyone exchanged their ‘hello’s.

“Well, my cool brother and I have some keys that need smashing, and I can’t believe I just used that phrase…anyway, see you tomorrow, and see you tonight.” I smirked directing my attention to Jon. The rest of the guys exchanged their ‘oh’s and clapped Jon on the back.

“What was that about?!” Dale smirked opening his passenger door and then walking around to his side.

“We have a date.” I shrugged once we were both in the car.

“You and the Brendon kid?”

“No, me and Jon, the-“

“I got this, D.” he cut me off before backing out, rolling down his window and shouting ‘Jon’ over to the group we were recently in. Jon’s head shot up and Dale smirked at me before giving him thumbs up and driving away.

“So, I’ve been thinking about getting my own car.” I sighed glancing out the window.

“Really? What kind?” Dale asked. I shrugged.

“I like big trucks. Like that Chevy Avalanche. Oh, but I also like camaro’s. Those are nice, and there’s also minivans and stuff, like if everyone wanted to-”

“No, no minivans. You can borrow ours if you and your friends all want to do something together.”

“Which one should I get?”

“Which one do you like more?”

“I really like the Chevy Avalanche’s, maybe a big black one, but that’d be a tad obnoxious in a school parking lot…” I sighed.

“Then get two.” He said like the answer was obvious.

“That’s ridiculous! Then I’d look like some snob who got everything I wanted!”

“Then just get the truck.” He shrugged. I sighed.

“I think I’m just going to go test drive them both then decide.”

“Good choice.”


My pinky slipped and I hit the wrong note and glanced behind me at Dale to see his reaction. He was staring at the page as I continued. I continued to watch his face making sure it sounded okay and that the tempo wasn’t too fast or off beat.

“There aren’t notes on my forehead, stop looking at me.” He snapped, not angrily.

“I just keep thinking that I’m doing something wrong and that you’re going to say something.”

“Well, I’ll tell you if you do something wrong. Just pay attention to your music.” He said.

I turned and kept playing; I didn’t turn around the entire time.

“Okay, go home, get ready for your date.” Dale said.

“It’s not until late, so I think I might look at cars first.”

“The paperwork and insurance will take a few hours, think you can handle it?”

“I may be a bit confused if I didn’t have an older brother to come with me.” I sighed.

“I’ll alert the media.” He said happily, slipping on his jacket and shoes.


“Yeah, the black one’s nice. I like the tented windows, it looks classy, y’know.”


“I can’t believe I just got a car.” I said as we went to the parking lot.

“You did, and you have to drive it home now.” Dale said pointing to it. I smiled excitedly giving him a hug.

“I love you.”

“Love you, too, see you later, D.” he said heading towards his car. I got behind the wheel and loved how high it sat. It smelled like a new car and everything. I smiled before starting it up and successfully driving home.

Daniel was gaping at it when I pulled in.

“Hola.” I said dangling the keys in front of him before stepping into the house. I ran up to my room to avoid further confrontation right as someone started knocking on it.

“Package!” Daniel yelled.

“Leave it there and go away!” I snapped back. I heard him sigh and lay something down. I counted to 30 before opening the door.

“Ha!” he yelled slapping my cheek and running into his room.

“Ugh!” I yelled reaching on top of my door to grab the key and pull his open. He was sitting on the bed taking his shoes off. I tackled him, straddling his hips and fighting to reach his face. He kept knocking my hands out of the way, but eventually I was able to slap him back. I wasn’t sure how long we stayed there throwing slaps and punches back and forth, but it must have been pretty long.

I heard noise downstairs and ignored it until someone coughed awkwardly. I looked up to see Jon standing in the doorway.

“Shit.” I cursed jumping up. Daniel was getting up and I pushed him back down before hurrying out of his room and pulling Jon into mine.

“Oh, shit. I’m so sorry. I was getting ready and then Daniel was stupid so we started fighting and…yeah.” I sighed.

“It’s cool.” Jon laughed.

“Just hold on, one second.” I said stepping into my closet. I changed quickly and then walked into my bathroom to fix my hair up just a little. It took me 10 minutes.
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Sorry, get used to it.