My Submission Is Your Addiction


We lay in bed for at least another hour before Jon spoke up.

“So your parents are just like…one hundred percent cool with me sleeping over?” he asked slowly.

“Yeah. Normally they would’ve poked their head in by now though, so I don’t know what that’s about.” I sighed before thinking. “Crap, they’re out of town.” I laughed.

“That explains it.” Jon mumbled.

“Dale!” I heard Daniel yell. I jumped up and made it to my door right when he opened it.

Luckily I slammed it closed and locked it when he had it not even an inch open.

“Dale, let your fucking dog in your room. She’s been bugging me all night!” Daniel yelled now pounding his fist into the door.

“Hold on!” I snapped, motioning for Jon to go into the bathroom that’s connected to my room. He slid behind me and through the door. I cracked open the door enough for my little
dog to squeeze through then slammed it shut again.

“I hate that thing.” I heard Daniel groan. I laughed a little before opening the door to my bathroom and stepping in.

“Okay Daniel, however, cannot find out about you being here all night. I’ll go tell him you’re coming over for breakfast.” I shrugged heading towards the door.

“I actually have to go. I have work.” Jon pouted glancing at his watch.

“You work? Where?” I laughed awkwardly.

“Starbucks.” He said leaning down to give me a quick kiss.

“See you later.” He said before laughing.

“I know we’re so already old married couple.” I agreed.

“Okay…exit…window?” he questioned.

“Nah, I’ll just go downstairs and distract Daniel while you go out the front door.” I shrugged.

“Sounds good, but you might want to put on some pants.”

I looked down noting I was only wearing a tank top and underwear, but shrugged.

“All the more distraction.”

I jumped down the stairs taking them two at a time before turning left and waltzing across the kitchen to the pantry.

“Goodmorning!” I sang loud enough to cover the sound of the front door shutting.

“Morning.” I heard a familiar deep voice –that was so not Daniel- reply. I turned quickly to see Travis sitting at the kitchen counter next to Daniel, both with smirks.

“Why is he here?” I asked nervously sliding towards them until I was close enough that the counter hid my lower half.

“You’re quite the temptation.” Travis smirked as if that explained everything.

“Okay, I’m going back upstairs.” I said turning and hurrying out of the kitchen. I heard two
chairs squeak as they were scooted back and two pairs of feet hitting the kitchen floor.

“No, you don’t.” Daniel said grabbing my arm, “Travis here wants you.”

Soon there was a much tighter grip on my arm and I was being pulled up the stairs. What?


“No one can hear you, so shut up or I’ll gag you.” Travis scolded as I screamed again.


I stayed in bed the next few days with my door locked, watching TV from my laptop. Faked a stomach bug. When Wednesday rolled around I had to go to school.

“Hey!” I heard someone yell as I opened my locker door. I jumped at least a foot in the air and closed my eyes.

“Good morning.” I heard a voice say again, this time sounding more familiar. When I turned someone pressed a sloppy kiss to my cheek pulling away with ‘Mwuah.’

“Oh, yeah…hey.” I laughed letting out a breath at the sight of Jon. It wasn’t until then I noticed how hoarse my voice was.

"So are you guys friends with benefits?" Brendon asked. I looked at Jon.

"I guess so." I shrugged.

"Yeah." Jon answered. So maybe that one hurt a bit.

"Wow." Spencer said slowly and started laughing. Jon glared at him and Spencer quickly shut his mouth.

“So, where’ve you been? You weren’t answering your phone. Daniel would just laugh when we asked him.” I cringed inwardly at the name.

“Sick.” I shrugged.

“You’re not contagious, are you?” Ryan asked stepping behind Brendon.

“No.” I mumbled.

“Well, see you guys at lunch, we can’t be late to class.” Rachel said squinting at me. As we walked off she lowered her voice and leaned in.

“Are you okay?”

“Yeah, I’m just really tired.” I said in the same quiet tone.

“You sure?”

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I'm so sorry for the long wait! HORRIBLY SORRY!
I've lost inspiration a bit for this one, but I will continue writing it. :D