Sequel: Hate Is A Strong Word

Damn, I Hate You

Intro (every story needs one)

"So what exactly does Shakespeare mean when he calls Romeo and Juliet 'star-crossed' lovers?" asked my English teacher, Ms. Frankford.

"It means they were screwed from the start." I mumbled. Or, I thought I mumbled.

"Excuse me. That language is extremely inappropriate." she scolded me as a few other kids around me giggled. At least some people appreciate me.

"Well, that's basically what he's trying to get to." I defended myself.

"But you still don't use words like that."

"You wanted me to simplify it so that other students may understand what he was trying to say. Hence, I said it in the one way I knew every student, no matter what level of education, would understand. Personally, I would say I did a great job." I remarked, leaning back in my chair, awaiting her lame response to my arguement.

"God, why do you always argue with her?" asked the bitch who sits next to me.

"And why do you always jump into conversations that have nothing to do with you?" I responded a bit to quickly. God, I hate her. Just her voice makes me want to kill someone. The girl's name is Jaimie, and we've had a mutual hatred of one another since kindergarten. We never knew why we hated each other. Probably no reason, now that I think about it. But by this time, we have plenty of reasons as to why we can never get along.

"This has everything to do with me! I'm a student in this class." She said.

"Oh wow, I never would have guessed that!" I said sarcastically and rolled my eyes. "Now get to your point." I sounded ten times more annoyed than I was. In all honesty, I was feeling great. Under my desk, I had just beaten a boss that I'd been trying to kill for the past three periods on my new PSP game.

"You're interrupting my education."

"Actually, an important lesson in English is rhetoric, so in hearing my arguement, you're actually learning a lot more than if I were keeping my mouth shut. Not to mention that I'm simply answering a question my teacher had asked me. I'm simply fulfilling my responsibility as a student, and you- YOU, dear Jaimie- are the one who is interfering with the education of everyone else in the class." I said, getting a bit red with rage at this point. God I love telling this bitch off!

"Mr. Silva, please stop arguing!" Mrs. Frankford came to Jaimie's rescue. As always, I'm the bad guy and the girls share glances of thanks and your welcomes.

"Whatever you say, teach. Please proceed with today's lesson." I said, leaning forward. I made sure really quickly that my PSP was off and then went on to check my text messages. Honestly, what is there left to learn by the time your my age in English? I've spoken it 15 years. Isn't that enough?

"Class, you will be doing a project this week. It will be creative writing. Here's the sylabus for it." She said and passed out a few papers. Great.