Sequel: Hate Is A Strong Word

Damn, I Hate You

His Place

We got to his house quickly. I guess he was paranoid of getting us caught. Then again, he wasn't used to doing this stuff with someone like me who could barely hop fences, let alone have the guts to cut class and jump all the obstacles he takes on his way around town.

"Well, this is it." he said as he opened his appartment door. It was pretty comfortable looking, actually. The color of the carpet was sandy brown and it was well lit. The tv was good sized and the couch looked comfortable.

"Sit down." He instructed from the kitchen. "Hey, you want something to drink? I have Coke or booze, but I prefer not deal with you drunk, please." He joked.

"Coke sounds good." I said. He tossed one to me and to my shock, I caught it. Thank God, too, because how embarassing would that be if I didn't?

"Dude, I'm fuckin starving. You want anything to eat?" he asked while scanning the fridge and taking inventory of the cupboards.

"Nah, I'm good." I said, unsure of what he had to offer and not wanting to ask for anything when I didn't know.

"You sure? Here, come look." he pressured me. I was about to stand up, but he started talking again. "Screw it. I'm gonna have peanut butter and jelly 'cause we're out of anything else. Unless you want cookies or ramen noodles." he offered.

"No thanks. I don't really want anything." I said. He stood in the kitchen and cursed the place as he tried to find a paper plate.

"Remote should be on the coffee table. Haha, you don't have to wait for me. Mi casa es su casa, mija." he assured me. Wow, for such a white name, he speaks Spanish pretty naturally. I grabbed for the remote after calling a quick thanks and started checking out the channels.

"Uh, you might want to check what I've recorded 'cause there's no good cartoons on right now. Unless you can find a good movie." He said. Thank God for DVR, because nothing was on.

"Who's idea was it to record "Wall-E"?" I asked, laughing.

"Love my cartoons." He said, sitting next to me. He pushed a sandwich under my face. "Eat it." he commanded.

"I'm not hungry." I replied and pressed play. The movie started but he wasn't paying attention.

"Come on, I make good sandwiches. Want me to cut the crusts off?" He joked, pulling one side of it off. I giggled.

"No thank you. I'm fine." I assured him. He still persisted.

"Oh come on. I slave away in a hot kitchen for- what, thirty seconds?- and this is how you repay me?" he continued to joke around.

"You're right, mommy. I should be more considerate." I said, taking the sandwich finally.

"That's more like it. You're lucky I didn't force you to eat vegetables." he said and finally started to watch the movie. So far the movie was cute, but I was still hooked on the idea that I was actually sitting with him on his couch. It was hard enough to believe I had finally gotten him to tell me anything, much less beleive I could be sitting by him on his couch in his house.

He sat so stoically when he watched cartoons. It's weird, like he's some sort of messed up little kid. But now that I think about it, that is what he is. His childhood was crappy and so he's still spending his life living like a little kid; the child inside never died because it hadn't had a long enough run yet. Still, it made me uneasy to see how formally he was. Is he always like this, perhaps?

I leaned my head on his shoulder once I finished and he twitched. "Sorry." We both appologized in unison and I immediatly turned red. But when I tried to lift my head away, he pressed down on it. "It feels more natural having it here." He comforted me. I laughed at the movie while he watched it in silence.

"Ok, how is it that in real life you can laugh as hard as you can at all the shit in the world and yet in a movie you just sit and watch?"

"At this point, the movie teaches me more than life does, and I'm always good and quiet when I'm learning stuff." he said.

"Then explain your outbursts in class!" I smiled. Oh! Do I finally have him in an arguement?!

"Like I said, I'm always god in a lesson. I'm not good, however, when people try to shove bullshit down my throat and make me feel like everything I do is wrong and retarded. I mean, let's get serious, the educational system is a joke. I have straight A's and I sleep through at least each period once a week. All I have to do is my homework and memorize some shit from a board. There's no analytical thinking. There's no challenge. Welcome to modern America." he began.

"Wait, you have straight A's?" I asked, a little bit shocked.

"Well, I am a bit of a genius." He joked.

"Oh come on, you don't need to lie to impress me. I accept that you're retarded and egotistical." I teased him. No wonder I've loved him forever!

"I'm tired." he declared. How random.

"Sleep." I suggested.

"I would, but you're kinda on me..." he joked. What? I looked down to realize that I had scooted so close to him that we could practically be sewn together. My head was on his shoulder, my arm was around his back, my legs were curled behind me. His arm was around my shoulder, though, accepting my advances.

"I'm sorry!" I exclaimed.

"Don't be." He said. "Look. I only flinched once." he said, sounding incredibly proud of himself. He stretched his legs our and swung me over them, placing me on his lap almost as if I were weightless. He's so strong! Then he turned us both and there we were, lying side by side, him holding me like a teddy bear, me lost in my own reality.
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no, there won't be sex coming! haha
how is it that i have so many subscribers and yet no one wants to tell me how good or bad i'm doing? I mean, i suppose the numbers should give me a hint, but come one, i want actual feed back!!! haha.