Sequel: Hate Is A Strong Word

Damn, I Hate You

Yes, You May

I was so... confused. It felt so right to have her here, in my arms, clutched to me so she may never leave and so at the same time, I may protect her from the cruelties of the world. Yet a part of me, deep down, was shivering. She's so... she's herself. She's a person. People don't care about me. People don't touch me like this. People are cold and heartless. That's it. She's not a person; she's an angel.

I must've shivered in reality. "Are you ok?" She asked.

"Yeah. Why? Are you alright like this?" I asked, worried that perhaps I was moving too quickly.

"Of course. I feel... good like this." she replied to my surprise. It was pretty cold, what with it being November, so I could easily hide my issues as just the weather. But I didn't want to hide anything from her. She's the first person that I haven't needed to.

Our movie ended. "What do you wanna watch now? It's your choice." I said from above her head.

"I'm cool with whatever you want, actually." She said. She scooted back, closer to me and pulled my arm tighter around her.

"Are you cold?" I worried. No! I don't want to leave this position!

"No. I'm happy just like this." She said. "In fact... I think... I think this is the most comfortable I've felt in a long time." She sighed. "Not to sound clingy or anything. I mean, I know we just started hanging out and all-"

"No! I mean, I know what you're saying. I... I like this too. It's as if-" She rolled over, careful not to let herself slip off the couch. She brought her bright eyes up to face mine. "Uh..." I was so unsure at this point. I can't love her! I mean, I hated her only days ago! Oh, but things have changed so much, and without change, where would people be? Don't let yourself, Deryk. It'll only hurt you in the end.

She brought herself in towards my chest and asked me the strangest thing. "Can you tell me a poem?"

"Uh, sure. Like, quote one? I don't really memorize them..." I trailed off.

"No, no. I mean, just write one right now. It always comes out so beautiful, and I want to know what's going on up there." She said, putting a gentle finger on my forehead.

"Uh. Well, I'll try. Here goes nothin." I thought. What can I say?! Crap, why was I cursed to write? "I fear that I have seen the light/ Yet these chains of fear still grip me tight/ My head and heart are in senseless feud/ For I know just what to do." I stopped.

"That's it?" she asked.

"Well, I said I know what to do, right?" I asked slyly, a smirk coming onto my face. She saw the look in my eye. She felt the tightening of my embrace. "May I?" I asked redundantly. We both knew the answer.

"Yes, you may." She said, and my head inched ever so slowly to hers, my lips trailing down her face and finally landing at their destination. It was a sweet kiss. Not a long one, not one of those gross ones with a tongue or anything. It was an honest one to show just how much I cared and how much she meant. A shock of cold raced down my spine and my heart raced. We pulled our faces apart and she looked so serenely at me.

"So, what does this mean?" she asked.

"It means that our poems can be written much easier, now that we have experience on the topic." I smiled. She snuggled into me again and I returned to the position. My arms went around her back, my head rested on top of hers, and our legs intwined. We no longer cared what was on tv. We were both finally happy.
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short, i know. not too much thought either, but i got so many comments that i couldn't help but write one. i would've felt rude if i hadn't. haha