Sequel: Hate Is A Strong Word

Damn, I Hate You


Damn, he's so smart. I wish I could sound nearly as smart as him when I argue against him in class, but I always end up sounding like some sort of retard! I mean, I can't even begin to compare to him when it comes to rhetoric and that type of stuff. He probably thinks I'm the stupidest girl alive.

Well, I'll fix that soon enough. I'll impress him with my genius writing skills. Let's see what this syllabus wants:

Write a compilation of poems to create a story. It can be one long narrative poem, or a series of smaller poems that connect somehow. You will review the poems in small groups in the class. The poems can be of whatever you choose. Remember to be creative!

Ok, he's definatly going to be in my group. We always have to use the partner next to us! Oh thank God I have a lazy teacher!

"Now, class," Mrs. F began, "you will need to have your first poem or the start of your narrative poem ready by tomorrow to be checked. It's due at the end of the week."

"Mrs. Frankford, I don't think we'll have time to finish it." Someone complained in the back. God, I hate complaining. It's so obnoxious. Just do what the teacher says, loser.

"Yeah, there's no way that we'll be able to complete this assignment by then. Well, not to it's full potential by Friday." Deryk said. Well, he's not a loser when he argues. He's a master.

"I'm not going to extend the time. We have other things to-"

"Then why not have us do the project in pairs?" He asked. Figures, he's the most popular jerk in the class. Almost all of the students are his friends. They would all gladly do it for him.

"Class, I don't think writing can be done in pairs at your age." She stated. Wow, that's some faith in us.

"Literature has been done in pairs plenty of times in the past. Consider it an important lesson in English by having us use partners. It's like another form of writing, doing it with another person." He argued. Damn, showing more of his genius. God, and he's so cute. He has such soft black hair that just falls across his forehead and stabs his eyes in locks. I love watching him have to flip it out casually. It's as though he's so laid back and relaxed in everything he does. The way he slouches, wears his plain clothes, lets his hair fall- he's so perfect and wonderful. And I wish I could just melt into those deep brown eyes of his.

"Alright, fine. You guys want to do it in partners? Do it with the person seated next to you." The class was delighted, but this was one victory that Daryk didn't seem pleased for.

"Fuck." he whispered. I glared at him. Why do you hurt me like that? He turned to face me. His eyes were cold as they rested on me. Damn, he's gorgeous.

"So, congradulations on winning the arguement." I taunted him.

"Don't fuck with me. I'm not in the mood." he said.

"So what game did you win while not paying attention?" I asked him casually.

"I wasn't playing a game. I love learning." he said, his words bathed in sarcasm. God, even his rudeness is wonderful.

"Whatever you say. What are we going to write about?" I asked. He yawned and tilted his head back with a hand slightly covering his mouth. So he does have some sense of manners. He's so great. Shut up, mind!!!

"Chill. You're not going to write anything. We can't write together, so I'll write it all. Consider it an easy A." He said. Then he turned to face the front again, his head leaning against the wall behind us and his eyes closing.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, that's not cool. We can easily work together. Besides, I doubt that you can write any good poetry." I teased him. Uh oh, that came out more snobby than funny. Crap!

"Really? You think I can't write?" He was daring me to respond. He grabbed a piece of paper and began scribbling, then handed it to me. I started reading it. "The bald sun rises, full of beauty and grace/ It casts a warm light across my face/ The darkness surrenders, a new day's begun/ Finally the worst is dead and gone."

I looked at him once finished. Wow, he's got a way with words. "I'd like to see you pull something like that out of your ass." he dared me again and leaned against the wall once more.