Sequel: Hate Is A Strong Word

Damn, I Hate You

No More!

I left an hour later. I always hate leaving her because it seems unfair that she's stuck alone at home. I put my earbuds in, trying to ignore the thoughts of her being depressed and alone. Hopefully she's nothing like me in those regards.

Sublime was buzzing through my ears as I stepped through the front door. I had checked my phone. I still had twenty minutes before Dad was supposed to be home. That is, assuming I'm not going to be surprised once again. I'm beginning to hate shockers like that.

I was lucky, though, and had some time to kill as I realized Dad wasn't home. I flipped on the television and tried finding something good to watch. Nothing was on, of course, so I pulled out my mp3 player and resumed my "Chill" playlist, consisting of reggea and other mellow music. It was constantly playing in my pot days. I can't help but wonder if Jaimie's ever done shit like I used to. Probably not. She's too emotionally stable, I think.

Somewhere in my reminiscing, I didn't hear dad storm into the house. "Get the fuck up and grab me a beer!" he bellowed once seeing me kicking back on the couch.

"On my way." I said, putting my speakers away and turning off the music. He replaced my spot on the couch as I was up so I sat by the computer after giving him the Bud light. Fatass must be trying to lose weight? Shit, please don't tell me I just said that out loud...

"So did you go to school?" he asked, obviously thinking I was lazy enough to ditch two days in a row.

"Nope. I got a project due Friday so I had to meet up with my partner." I replied, turning on the computer as I said that.

"Oh yeah, that pussy project about writing faggot-ass poems, right?" he asked.

"Uh, not the words I would use to describe it, but yeah, that one." I answered.

"Good. I was thinkin' you'd be a dumbass and skip another day. You know, you're leaving my house whether you graduate or not at eighteen." he informed me.

"Yeah, 'cause I'm sure you were totally worried I'd stay here." I muttered. "Nah, I know better than to ditch two days. Makes the teachers suspicious." I said loudly so he wouldn't ask about what I had said under my breath.

"Well, that, and I can't have you fucking up in school. Makes me look bad."

"You sure it's me that'll make you look bad?" Fuck! That wasn't under my breath. Please don't kill me. I go to the hospital again and they'll get child services on your ass for sure!

"Excuse me?" He thundered. Fuck. I'll scream. Someone will hear me and he'll have to back off. No, that's only on tv that kids are ever rescued...

"Uh, nothing. Or, I didn't mean it. I dunno, I think I have a problem. I seem to have no control over my mouth these days." I stammered.

"Yeah, I think that's a discipline problem. How do you propose we fix that?" he asked, pulling up his sleeves. Don't do this! I just had hell yesterday! That's not even cool!

"Well, I'm thinkin that with some self-evaluation, I can dig deep down, find the source of my problem and make myself a better person." I said. Dont be a smartass, kids. Gets you into shit like this. Don't do this Deryk. Don't you want to live?

"I have an easier idea." he said, punching me hard in the gut. I doubled over in pain. He narrowly missed my cracked ribs. I gasped for air as he started preparing himself for another hit. That's when I truely went insane.

I pulled myself up before he could hit me again, leaned back against the wall so I could maintain my balance despite my lack of oxygen, and kicked him with all my force in the groin. Then I punched him in the face as he doubled over in pain.

"You're dead, you lil bastard!" He yelled as I stood in shock. I kicked him once more in the face, seeing that he was powerless right now, and stomped on his knee cap in an attempt to do some serious damage.

Then I ran. I grabbed my backpack and hauled ass out of that house. No more of this! No more pain! No more reason to cry! If I can spare myself the pain, why not? He needs to be put in his place. He needs to realize that he's not as tough as I let him think he is. I've fought people before and landed them in hospitals. He's lucky this is the first time I ever fought back. Or at least that's what I tried convincing myself with. Many times have I had to run away after beating the shit out of some guy twice my size in fear that he would get up, and I've learned that the key is not looking back.
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well, so far no bad comments, so i'm assuming i did something right. anyways, tell me what you think? i think imma leave it at this for a day like a cliff hanger (cough cough, slight lack of motivation right now, sorry)