Sequel: Hate Is A Strong Word

Damn, I Hate You

I Hate You!

We were walking to school, me and Jaimie, holding hands, feeling happy.

Yeah right.

"So remind me again why exactly you were at my house last night?" Ashley asked, trying to get between her sister and me, not that we were allowed to hold hands in her presence.

"Like I explained this morning, I fell in love with you and tried to stalk you all night. But your sister wanted to make sure I didnt' rape you or anything in your sleep so she stayed up with me." I lied. This was the third time she'd asked me and I've told her a different set of excuses every time.

"He's so stupid! Why do you tolerate him being around, let alone alive." she asked Jaimie, throwing her hands in the air in exasperation. It's funny, Ashley is at least four inches shorter than Jaimie and yet she's supposed to be the older one.

"I don't see why she tolerates you being around all the time and talking like this when she could easily beat you up!" I barked back.

"No one asked you!"

"As far as I'm concerned, they don't need to. If I wanna say something, I'll say it. Get used to it, little girl." I stopped and stared down at her. I was at least ten inches taller than her. There was no way I was going to bow down to her like she's so used to everyone doing.

"Don't call me little girl."

"Well, what would you prefer? How about little bitch?" I suggested, looking at her the way those pathetic moms in Wal-Mart do when trying to compromise with their screaming kid who wants cookies. She gave a loud sigh and stormed away grunting.

"Can't you two just get along?" Jaimie asked.

"It's not like I start it all." I said, not so much defensive as I was more begging for her approval.

"But you could give her the truth... Or you could try to be nice despite her attitude." she suggested.

"Oh come on, you know how hard it is to get along with her by now!"

"And yet I do it."

"That's 'cause you've had a lifetime of practice for it!" I argued. I was losing my patience by now.

"Because I've learned to try and get along!"

"Doing everything she says and not speaking up for yourself isn't trying, it's giving up!"

"Uh, no. It's learning to cooperate with others." I could see the anger building as her cheeks started to flush.

"No! It teaches her nothing to do that! It teaches her to get used to it, which is only going to screw her over in the real world!" I was so annoyed. Why are we fighting over her? She's not our kid! We're not her parents. We shouldn't be arguing about how the other treats her. This is so stupid!

"What do you care? She's not in your family." Jaimie was just as annoyed as I was.

"I care because I care about humanity. Sorry for being a philanthropist." I said sarcastically. Fuck, what did I just do?

"Excuse me? You think you care about people? You're the one going around practically screaming 'Fuck the world' by everything you do and now suddeny you're going to say you give a damn? Don't even." She lectured me.

"You should know by now that I care! What the hell are you talking about? I show my care in different ways. Sometimes people can't always feel love by getting what they want. They need to feel love by knowing people care enough to teach them lessons!" I yelled back.

"You are so fucked up! God, I guess I was stupid enough to think I'd taught you how love was really supposed to be instead of this disillusioned way you think it is, but I guess not!"

"I'm not disillusioned, I'm realistic. She's had too much of this easy 'You get what you want 'cause I love you' bull and needs to learn that the world isn't like that! I'm not trying to teach her about love, I'm just trying to show you I do this 'cause I care!" I could hardly control myself at this point. This is so stupid and senseless!

"You don't get it, do you? This is about us! This is about how you're too stupid and still haven't learned that you can love people calmly and by being nice!"

"Say what? You think that I don't show you love nicely? Please explain what these past few days have been, then." I dared her. What was she going to say, really?

"I guess nothing. Write your own ending to the god-damned assignment. I'm done with you. Fuck you. You're beyond fixing at this point." she said and walked away.

"Right, so you only loved me 'cause you wanted to fix me? I'm not the one who needed help, babe." I yelled as she walked away. We were so close to the school it was almost embarrassing. What the hell? Who did she think she was? I never needed her! She needed me, if anything, to realize you can't change people who don't need fixing! God, what a stupid, self-righteous bitch! No wonder I've hated her forever! God!
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yup yup. sorry it took me so long to update... well, not really that long, i guess, but usually i do it, like, twice a day. whatever, though.

later. thanks for readin.