Sequel: Hate Is A Strong Word

Damn, I Hate You


Deryk wasn't at school today. I walked into detention and heard Mr. B explain, "Yeah, his dad called him in absent. I guess that's good, 'cause he was two unexcused absences away from being expelled. Still, I like having him around."

"I know. Me too." I sighed. We sat in silence for awhile.

"So what's up with you? I mean, you guys have a lot in common or polar opposites or what?"

"Polar opposites, actually." I laughed. "I can't write poetry to save my life, he can't sit still and shut his mouth; I like mellow music, he likes metal; we're completely different." I thought this for the first time. It's a bit strange how our relationship is, I guess.

"That's cool. Man, I was so worried that no one would ever come into his life. He really needs you. I can see by the way he acted yesterday that he loves you." he said.

"Did you hear about what happened in class?" I asked.

"The little stunt he pulled when you started crying and he came to the rescue? Yeah. I asked your teacher exactly how you were being disruptive, you know, trying to start conversation with the dragon, and she explained it all." he smiled back.

"Yeah. It's really sweet, now that I think about it, but at the time, I think we were both embarrassed."

"Psh, Deryk doesn't get embarrassed! That's why it's so easy for him to make an ass of himself." Mr. B joked.

"Well, he only seems like an ass if the people he's talking to don't listen. He knows that, that's why he makes himself loud enough to hear." I defended him. Mr. B gave me a knowing smirk.

"Like I said, I'm happy to see him have someone like you finally come into his life." He said after some silence.

Something about the look in his eye or the way he sounded so loving about Deryk made me ask. "Hey, have you ever done foster care?" I was worried I'd accidentally give away the secret, but I couldn't take the idea of someone as caring as this teacher not taking over the responsibility of his dad!

"See this picture?" he pointed to a smiling young man in a graduation cap and gown. He had a stupid look on his face, mouth open wide, eyes crossed and the diploma held out proudly in front of him. I nodded.

"That's my son. I adopted him after taking care of him for a year in foster care. He's in college now, getting a degree in engineering. I love foster kids. There a particular reason you ask me this?" The way he asked let me know he could read my intentions. I looked down at my desk.

"I've known about Deryk for awhile. There have been days that he runs out of concealer or he misses a bruise. The thing is, I know by now that you have to wait for the kid to be ready to tell on their parents and for them to be ready to leave the lives they know for something new and better."

"But he's too... he's scared. He doesn't know you're-"

"He does. I mentioned it the first time I saw some stitches on his forehead. I could see he wanted to tell me everything, but he wasn't ready. The point is, honey, that he'll tell me when and I'll gladly take him in." Mr B sighed.

"Are you sure he knows that? I can't imagine him going through all of this when he knows how much you love him."

"Think about his: has he ever spent over a day with you without going back home?"

I thought for quite awhile. Then I shook my head. "He thinks he has to keep going home. He may not seem like it, but Deryk's one of those kids who can completely give up on the world and hate everything about it, but in a few hours, regain his hope and wait for something better to happen. He gives his dad chance after chance because he has faith that it'll get better. I just hope he realizes the sad truth before it's too late."

That's when it hit me. "What do you think happened to him last night? You said his dad called him in?" Wait, none of that made sense.

"I dunno. It could be that his dad actually had a conversation with his son and saw that he was wrong, or Deryk got so messed up last night..." he let that hang in the air.

"Can I use the phone over there?" I needed to call Deryk and see if he's ok.

"I can't let you until lunch. Normally I'd say yes, especially for the cause, but they moniter it. I guess I'm too linient. But I'll let you in about ten minutes, alright?" he agreed. I nodded. Oh my god, what happened?
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started out as a filler, but yeah, i decided to give it a purpose