Sequel: Hate Is A Strong Word

Damn, I Hate You

Waffles Are Love

"Waffles don't taste as good when they're frozen." I laughed. I had pulled out the box of waffles from the freezer and when Jaimie tried to grab them, shoved it into my mouth as quickly as I could and cut the roof of my mouth. It hurt for a second, but she was laughing her ass off, so it was cool.

"You're such a baby. Just... How about this. I promise I'll share if you put them in the toaster?" she bargained with me.

"But this way I get all six of them!" I said sarcastically. I'm way too good at being a little kid sometimes.

"Oh God, grow up!"

"Look who's talking!" I said, holding the box high over her head.

"Oh that's just not fair." she said, jumping up for them as I teased her. She punched me in the stomach.

"Rudeness! Is that really any way to get what you want, now?" I asked. God, she forgot how beaten up I was! I didn't want to show her but her punch hurt like hell!

"Haha. Yup." she said.

"Nu uh, 'cause you still don't have the box." I smiled and stuck my tongue out.

"Yeah, but I just wanted to hit you for stealing the waffles. So yeah, I got what I wanted." She said smiling.

"God, grow up." I mocked her. I set down the box of waffles. She tried running for them but I stuck a hand in her face and grabbed the box.

"Haha! You fell for it!" I yelled, thinking it was the funniest thing in the world. "Tell me you love me and I'll give you a waffle." I promised.

"Ok. I love you." she said stubbornly.

"Like you mean it." I said and she giggled insanely.

"Ok, ok. I love you, Deryk. You mean the world to me." she said and hugged me.

"Hey, don't be a suck up. Here." I said and she acted offended. In honesty, though, I didn't let her loosen her hug. I love her.

"Ok, woman, you do your feminine duties and I'm gonna go watch tv." I said, handing her the box of waffles and strutting back over to the couch.

"Haha. Well you're not getting waffles with that attitude." she sounded like the vice principal.

"I mean, please make me some waffles while I sit around and watch cartoons, dearie." I corrected myself as rudely as possible. She knew I was joking, luckily, because most girls would've hated me by now.

"Yes sir." she replied. I wonder how she tolerates me sometimes. I'm so ridiculously childish and never know when to stop joking around. Sometimes I fear that she doesn't really know me and she only loves the idea of finally having me.

Then she does stuff like this. She brought over my waffles and sat next to me, letting the room be filled with only the sound of Tom and Jerry. When we were done, she leaned onto my shoulder and gave me a kiss on the cheek; it wasn't an intimate kiss, just a kiss to showed me she cared. She let me hold the remote and control the tv. She let me play with her fingers while she layed down on my chest when we sat on the floor against the couch. She told me that she wanted my life to be perfect and she wished I could live with her.

"Sometimes I think you could just come live with me and not have to worry about any legal issues with your dad." she said.

I sat quietly. "I wish I could, too. But you know your parents wouldn't like me."

"Yeah. They're under Ashley's spell, and she could never be charmed by you the way I am. But you better go tell Mr. B on Monday." she threatened me. "Or I'll cry."

"Why would you cry?" I asked.

"Because I want you to be happy, and if you aren't happy, I could never be happy. He won't do anything until you tell him. He won't tell anyone until you go to him. Nothing in your world can be helped unless you do it, and if your world isn't all sunshine and happiness, then neither will mine." She said.

"Baby, my world is all sunshine and smiles. You've seen me at school. You saw me right now. I'm happy. It's ok." I said. She looked up.

"No. None of this fake happiness. I mean, you're happy for awhile, but I can see it when you're putting on a smile, and I can see it when you start having to make stupid jokes because you need to keep yourself looking happy. I want you to really be happy, Deryk." she grabbed my face. "I'm serious."

I didn't pull away. "When I'm with you, I am really happy. But don't worry. I'm not changing my mind this time. No matter what, I'm telling Mr. B. on Monday. I promise." I assured her.

It's when she talks to me like that that I stop worrying that she doesn't love me. She's not like every other girl at school who wants me because I'm a jerk and because I'm "hot". She loves me. And I love her.