Sequel: Hate Is A Strong Word

Damn, I Hate You

Don't Do It!

"Ah shit." Jaimie said, checking a text message that came in a second ago.

"What's up?" I asked.

"My sister's coming home right now." She groaned and threw her head back on the couch.

"Eh, no big deal. I'll just go." I said. I had been thinking about going to my house for awhile, actually.

"No. You're staying here. My sister can go fuck herself." She said.

"Whoa, calmate mija" I said as she said that. "It's no big deal. I can deal with her or I can just go home if things get outta hand." I said, and put a hand on her face. "It's cool."

She grunted. "She's such a bitch, though. I don't want her coming home." She whined.

"Neither do I. Trust me." I said, flashbacks of the day we had fought because of her filling my head.

"Honey, I'm ho- What the hell?" Ashley's voice came. "Get the hell outta my house." She yelled at me.

"Aw, you mean you're not happy to see me?" I asked, trying to restrain myself.

"Answer me honestly; as someone ever been happy to see you?" she asked sarcastically.

"My daddy is always pleased to see me." I lied just to sound snotty. God what a joke.

"Yeah right. I bet he hates you just as much as everyone else." Ashley gave me a disgusted face. Jaimie wasn't letting her get away with this though. See, because Ashley had no idea, I didn't really feel offended by her comment. I know she's a dumb bitch. But there was Jaimie to rescue me.

"No one's ever happy to see you, you little skank, so go to your room and leave us alone." she stepped in front of me as if to protect me from her wimpy older sister and looked pissed.

"Oh hell no, Jaimie. You don't talk to me like that. Especially not in front of him." She said him as though it were her first swear word.

"I'll talk to you however the hell I want. You never talk to him like that. He is a person. He is a guest in your house. You know better than to ever greet someone like this, and don't you ever speak to him like that again!" Jaimie was so stern when she spoke it almost scared me.

"Why are you protecting him?" Ashley asked. Duh, bitch. If I'm here, it's obviously because your sister likes me and considers me a friend. Everyone knows you don't fuck with friends.

"Because I love him." She said and turned around to kiss me. "Now appologize to him."

Ashley reached a hand over and slapped Jaimie in the face. I pulled Jaimie into my chest and grabbed Ashely's hand, trying to control myself as I did so. "You don't slap your sister like that, ok? She's a person. She feels pain. She didn't deserve that at all, so you never do that again, ok?" I sounded like I was talking to a four year old.

"Don't tell me what to do! She has no business talking to a delinquiant like you. You're a bad influence, you're prolly just being used by her 'cause she wants to feel rebellious, you have no idea who she is and there's no way she could ever love someone like you." She replied. My grip got tighter around her wrist and it suddenly Ashley fell to the ground. I liked it like that, though. I was lording over her, so she had to listen.

"You have no idea what we're about. You have no idea how she and I feel about each other, so don't go around making these hurtful assumptions. You have no idea about anything. Instead, you have this God complex that makes you think you're so much better than everyone else in the world, while your actually nothing but just an arrogant, retarded waste of air. You have no purpose in society but to try to hurt everyone else. Face it, with that as your only quality, you will get no where in life. So go ahead; right now I'm going to let you enjoy talking shit to me, but don't you ever touch your sister like that and don't you ever talk to her like that, because she is going to grow up to be so much better than you. In fact, as far as I can see, she doesn't have to grow up because it doesn't take much to be better than you." I said, finally releasing her wrist as she started to cry and Jaimie was still burried in my shoulder.

"You... I- Don't talk to me like that."

"Oh, I'm sorry. Can't take the truth yet? Wake up, honey. You're a dumb bitch and your already seventeen. Either get a life or live with your parents forever. But don't fuck up our lives." I said. Her hand was going back to slap me but I grabbed it right before it hit me.

"Really? You still haven't learned? Someone needs a time-out, huh, Jaimie?" I said, holding Ashley by the forearm and walking Jaimie over to the couch. I helped her sit down as Ashley kicked and yelled at me. Then she bit me and I freaked out.

"Listen. I am trying my hardest not to beat you in the face. Don't tempt me by behaving like a retarded animal, ok? Just chilll." I scolded her and held her shoulders. Her face was red with anger.

"Breathe in and out. I'll show you." and I took huge breaths in and out, making me a little light headed. She followed as I did. "Now calm down and shut the fuck up. We're happy. Please accept that." I said and released her. She looked pissed again and ran up the stairs to her room.

"Well you handled that well." Jaimie said as I went over to sit by her.

"Haha, if only my dad ever cooperated when I did that." I laughed. I pulled her head onto my shoulder and leaned onto it. "Your hair smells good."

"You change the subject too much!" She laughed. "I never know what we're talking about with you!"

"Let's talk about Alice in Wonderland. I'd say overrated, personally."

"Ugh. Your insane." She giggled.

"Happy Unbirthday." I smiled.
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never seen that movie, but i did see that part on disney channel. =]