Modern Day Beauty and the Beast

Modern Day Beauty and the Beast

His name was Austin. He had long dark hair that was shaggy and unkempt. He had piercing green eyes. I had admired him from afar. There was no way I could ever do anything more than look at him, we were on different ends of the social spectrum.

I was popular, a cheerleader, ad good hygiene, and I came from a wealthy upper class home. My parents didn't want me marring anyone that didn't have as much money as us. They had it and liked to flaunt it. I hated that about them.

He was shy and in with his own crowd. He didn't participate in anything at our school besides the battle of the bands. His band always won. He was grungy at times, and he came from a middle class family. His parents had just enough money to live nice and comfortable.

I envied him for that!

"Have you even thought about talking to him?" My best friend, Macy, asked me. She really got me and knew that under the well dressed, rich girl there was a girl that wanted to not care about what people thought. A girl that could go unnoticed to everybody in the ‘in' crowd. Beside Macy of course.

"Mace, you can't be serious! We are total opposites. Think of it this way. We are like a modern day Beauty and the Beast. Except the sharp teeth, the locking in a castle, and the happily ever after part." I explained to her.

"You don't always have to do what your parents think is best. It's part of being a teenager and they aren't always right you know." She said.

"I know, but I would be so out of my element. I wouldn't know what to do or say." I said. It was almost like I was trying to find a way out of it.

"Kristin, we are going to go to the show his band is playing at tonight. We are going to look hot. And you are going to get your fairytale ending." Macy told me. I knew I was going whether I like it or not.

~ At The Show~

The small bar was filling up fast. We had just got here and I wanted to leave already. I felt so awkward here. Macy drug me toward the stage at the back of the bar. We stood right in front of the stage. Front and center. When the light dimmed I started to get butterflies.

Austin was the first onstage and he was getting the crowd hyped up. He spotted me and smirked. He crouched down so he was level with us.

"Well, I guess Macy finally got you to come." Austin said briefly looking at Macy. He smiled and stood back up.

"You told him I was coning?" I exclaimed.

"He's my brother Kristin, I couldn't really keep it from him." she said playing innocent. I smacked her arm lightly.

"The first song goes out to a special lady in the crowd. This is her first time at one of our shows. Kristin, I am glad you came and I want to talk to you later." Austin said and winked.

I thought my hart stopped. A smile immediately came to my face.
~2 Hours Later~

The show was finished and I was waiting at the bar with Macy waiting for Austin. He walked toward us.

What did you think?" He asked smiling.

"I won't be missing another show!" I said.

"Haha. Well I'm glad to know you enjoyed it." He said and scuffed his shoe on the floor.

"Kristin, I am going to se if Craig need any help." Macy said and excused herself.

The butterflies from earlier found their way back into the pit of my stomach. I had been around plenty of guys, but none of them made me feel like this.

"So..." Austin said trying to break the tension that and appeared as soon as Macy disappeared.

"Yeah. Are you hungry?" I asked.

"Starved. Are you?" He replied.

"Yeah. Do you want to go get something to eat?" I questioned.

"I would love to." He stated.

He grabbed me hand and started to walk to the door. I knew my parents would never approve of any form of a relationship with Austin but I didn't care. I was doing this for me, cause I wanted my happily ever after with the person that my parents would consider a beast.

This was the beginning of the modern day Beauty and the Beast.
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This is a One-Shot for theJust To Piss Disney Off Contest

Not my best.