Don't Get Close

The Time of the Nine Has Begun

“Lucy! Lucy wake up!”

My head shot up off my desk and I looked around, trying to figure out where the sound came from. I saw Serena staring down at me, a smile on her lips.

“You fell asleep again.”

“No one should have to be up and at work at 7 in the morning. It’s just not right!” I grumbled, straightening out my suit. I hated wearing suits, but I knew that this job required them when I took it. Maybe I shouldn’t have quit my job at McDonald’s years ago…

“Hey! Don’t space out on me! You have work to do, missy!” Serena laughed, wagging her finger in my face.

I couldn’t help but smile. “What are you, my boss?”

Serena frowned, “No…but Vic is. You know how he gets when you don’t get your work done.”

That took the smile off my face. “Wow, thanks for the mood killer.”

“Anytime!” She said, saluting and walking the 5 feet to her cubicle across from mine.

I observed her for a moment, watching as she sat down and began spinning in her chair. Her black hair twirled and she stopped when some of it got stuck in her mouth. I laughed at her attempt to spit it out, which caused her to send a glare my way. I only shrugged and turned around to come face to face with my boss, Vic.

“Having fun?” He asked, a blank expression on his face. Geez, does that man ever show emotion?

“Yes I was, actually,” I said, my expression matching his, “but not so much anymore.”
He said nothing as his eyes scanned my cubicle until he noticed the shirt I was wearing under my suit jacket, “What are you wearing?”

I looked down, noticing that I was wearing my Slipknot shirt instead of a tank. I thought something was a little off this morning…

“That would be my Slipknot shirt.”

“Mhm,” He said, “I guess I never realized you liked them.”

I just stared dumbly at him, “You’ve never heard me play their music in here? I’m surprised you haven’t heard any complaints-“

“Oh I have,” he replied, continuing to stare. He looked like he was thinking about something. “Oh! I just remembered what I came here to talk to you about.”

“And that would be?”

“Well, you probably know that that band of yours, Slipknot, is in town and-“ He was cut off by Serena’s squeal from her cubicle. When she caught him looking, she just gave him a sheepish grin and pretended to do her work.

“Actually Vic, me and Serena have tickets to see them tonight,” I smiled, thinking about it. I saw them on my 21st birthday a couple years ago. Ah, the memories…

“Oh? Well how would you like backstage passes?“

“We would love them! Wouldn’t we, Lucy?” Serena said, grabbing the passes from Vic’s hand and looking them over. Wait…when did she get over here?

“Serena, I would appreciate it if you would go back to your desk,” Vic said, rubbing his temples. That girl never gives him a break. I found it rather amusing.

Serena obliged and went back to her desk and began typing away on her computer. Who knows what she was doing on there. Last time she was buying lingerie with Vic’s credit card. He’s still paying off that bill.

“But, I wouldn’t just be giving you these for free,” Vic continued, “you would have to write an article about them, since this is their hometown and all. And I would need it on my desk by Monday morning.”

Today was Friday, I could easily do it over the weekend and still enjoy myself without worrying about it. “Deal.”

He smirked. Wait, Vic just smirked? This could not be good.

“I’m afraid you would have to watch the show from backstage. You couldn’t write a report anywhere else at that concert, anyway.”

Now, I was obviously not going to listen to Vic. I mean, who listens to their boss? Actually a lot of people…but not me. Besides, I refused to see a concert unless it was in the mosh pit. Moshing was just my thing. “That would be fine, Vic.”

His expression returned to blank. “Great. I’ll see you on Monday, then. And try not to come back with anything broken this time,” he said, referring to how the last time I had been sent to a band’s local gig I had fractured my elbow. Which I had absolutely no idea how that happened…

“Hey! I fractured it! Fractured!” I yelled after him, earning looks from the people around me actually doing work. Silly goons, thinking that working in an office all their life was the way to live.

Serena ran over to me and sat down on my desk, a habit I had grown to ignore. She picked up one of the passes and put it in her pocket before getting up and walking back to her cubicle. She had a devious smirk on her face, and I wondered what she was doing until I heard a noise from my computer indicating I had a new email. I was a bit skeptical, but opened it anyway. I was greeted with the loud melody of ‘People = Shit’ and a half naked picture of Corey Taylor.

“Serena! What the fuck?” She just shrugged and gave me a smile, clearly enjoying her work and the displeasure of the stuck-ups around us.

We never liked our jobs. The only reason we took them was because we were desperate. Taking orders at McDonald’s just doesn’t pay the bills. We were hoping that one day our antics would get us fired and we could actually do something we enjoy.

We were never the lucky type.

“Lucy! Come see this! Chris is jerking off his nose!” Serena yelled, frantically waving her arms around in the aisle and smacking some poor guy in the face.

I burst out laughing and just couldn’t stop. I started to cry and my overdone eyeliner smeared when I wiped away the tears. I attempted to get out of my chair and walk over to her, but failed when I tripped on the untied laces of my high tops and knocked over some lady carrying a ton of papers when I stumbled into the aisle. Papers flew everywhere, and Serena took out her lighter and started setting some on fire before throwing coffee on them to put it out.

Today was going to be a good day.
♠ ♠ ♠
Woo first chapter! It's kinda slow at first...but it'll get more exciting soon. I promise :)


Hope you all enjoy it! I'm a bit new to the writing thing so...tell me what you thing is good and bad.

Comments are appreciated :D

Title = Gematria (The Killing Name) - Slipknot