Dear You, Regrettably Anonymous

It's been so long, and yet, I can't seem to let it go.

for trustme's anonymous contest.

Thank you everyone for the positive comments.
It makes me so happy!

I will be continuing this story.
Although every letter or so will be addressed to another person : D

Each letter is to a real person. It's what I want to say, what I need to say, but what I won't say. Everything is real.
  1. Dear _ _ _ _
    Regrettably Me.
  2. Anonymously, Kelsey.
    I'm So Over You.
  3. Dear Girl,
    Don't Steal Him.
  4. Dear Dad,
  5. Dear Love,
    Don't Ever Leave Me.
  6. Dear Fake,
    I See Right Through You.
  7. Dear Sister,
    I Used to Hate You
  8. Dear Sister,
  9. Dear Girl,