Looks Can Be Deceiving

And So It Begins

Abigail Graham sauntered into the diner, late for work. Abbi was never one to be one time. She claimed she was always ‘fashionably late’, to which her boss would reply that this was a diner, not a runway.

She sighed and put on her little apron. Working at a roadside diner in the Midwest wasn’t exactly an exciting job.

A ding from the door was heard, signaling a new customer. “I got this one, Ruby!” Abbi called to the ancient waitress. Ruby had been working here for decades, and she was starting to get rather…old.

Ruby just waved her off. Abbi shrugged and walked out of the kitchen. She stopped when she noticed something blocking the sunlight from coming in one of the windows. Upon further investigation, she noticed it was just a giant semi.

“Hey Abs!”

Abbi turned around to come face to face with one of her best friends, Taylor. She must’ve been the one who came in the door.

“Hey Tay. Where’s your other half?” she asked, referring to Taylor’s twin and her other best friend, Trista.

“Oh, Trish? She’s working.”

Trista had a day job at the local music store, tuning guitars and whatnot. Abbi always told her she should join a band or something, but Trista would just smile and shrug it off. She was never one to accept compliments.

“That’s cool. So…what’s up? There’s got to be a reason for you interrupting me at work,” Abbi lectured, earning an eye roll from Taylor.

“Me and Trista decided it was time for a vacation, and wanted to know if you wanted to come.”

Abbi smiled. A vacation away from this deathtrap would be wonderful. “I’d love to.”

Taylor smiled, “Great. We’ll pick you up at 7.”

Abbi looked at her questioningly, “That’s tonight.”

“No, really?” Taylor rolled her eyes again, “That’s when the plane leaves.”

“Why couldn’t you wait until the end of the week or something?” Leave it to Abbi to be the sensible one…sometimes.

Taylor looked around as if to make sure no one was listening, “I’ve been having some, problems, with Eric,” she said, referring to her deadbeat boyfriend, “and I just wanna get out.”

“You mean leave and never come back?” Abbi asked, “Then why did you tell me it was ‘just a vacation’?”

“Because it will be,” Taylor said, “a vacation we won’t be coming back from.”

“And what about our jobs? You want me just to quit?”


Abbi sighed, “Fine. Just give me a minute.” She walked back into the kitchen and took off her apron.

“Where you headed?” Ruby asked, walking over to Abbi.

She sighed once again, “Somewhere. Just, tell the boss I won’t be back and I quit, okay?”

Ruby looked a bit surprised, but nodded her head, “You got it, sweetie.”

“Thanks Ruby.”

She smiled, “Keep in touch!”

Abbi smiled back, “You got it.”

Taylor was waiting when Abbi came out of the kitchen, “You ready?”

“As ready as I’ll ever be.”


Matt Sanders collapsed on the sofa, his body exhausted after doing so much work in the studio that day. He had been singing until it hurt. Brian came over and patted him on the back while taking a sip of his beer, letting a chuckle slip as he did so. Matt shrugged him off earning another laugh from Brian.

“Sometimes I just think we need a break, you know?” Matt said, attempting to sit up. When he realized it was too much work he just laid back down again.

“Yeah, we should take a vacation. Get our minds off the album for a while,” Zacky suggested, also taking a swig of his beer.

“Where would we go?” Johnny asked, sitting on the couch opposite Matt.

“We should go to Vegas! You know, the ‘City of Sin’ or whatever,” Jimmy said. He had just gotten done recording the drums for a song and his topless body was sweating like crazy.

“That’s actually not a bad idea,” Brian said. He continued to sit uncomfortably close to Matt and laugh every time Matt would blindly swat him away.

Jimmy plopped down next to Johnny who looked over at him with disgust written all over his face. It only got worse when Jimmy put his arm around Johnny.

“Dude! Get your sweaty body away from me!” Johnny yelled, and jumped off the sofa. The guys howled with laughter at the expression on Johnny’s face. All except Matt, who was trying to take a nap.

“Hey Syn, pass me another, would ya?” Zacky asked, gesturing to the pack of beers on the floor beside Brian’s feet.”

“Sure, man.” He said, and threw a beer at Zacky.

Matt finally got tired of Brian moving the couch around while he was trying to sleep and managed to successfully shove him off the couch and onto the floor. Of course, he spilled his beer all over himself which made the guys start laughing again.
“That was my favorite shirt!” He yelled, yet laughing at the same time.

Once the laughter subsided, Jimmy went back to the topic of Vegas, “So, when should we leave?”

“Tonight,” Matt said, finally sitting up, “gives me time to sleep on the plane.”

Brian smirked, a mischievious glint in his eyes, “Alright, but don’t expect me to not take my revenge!”

Matt laughed, “You do and I’ll kick your ass.”

Brian pouted and walked away, “Party pooper.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Matt the party pooper :P

I thought about splitting the sections into different chapters...but decided it worked better this way...at least for now.

I tried to make the guys seem like themselves...so tell me what you think!

Comments are nice :D