Looks Can Be Deceiving

Sleeping Beauties

Abbi sighed as she curled up into a ball in her airplane seat. She had wanted to take a nap the entire ride, but there was a screaming kid three aisles up and a crying baby in the seat behind her. It just wasn't happening.

"Abbi! Abs!"

She jolted upward and kicked the seat in front of her, earning a glare from the guy sitting there as he turned around towards Abbi. She smiled sheepishly, "Sorry!"

He gave one last glare and turned around again. Abbi let out another sigh, "Yes, Trista?"

Trista smiled, her snakebites shining in the lights of the plane, "We're almost ready to land. Put your seatbelt on."

Abbi obliged and put on her belt before looking up to the front of the plane. She loved having the aisle seat. It actually worked out pretty well; Abbi got the aisle seat, Trista got the middle, since she loved it for some reason, and Taylor slept against the window seat. How Taylor managed to fall asleep with all this noise Abbi would never know.

Their flight had taken and incredibly long time. It was now almost sunrise. of course, they lost 3 hours here, so it was really about 7 in the morning where they should be. Abbi glanced out of the window, or what she could see since Taylor was sleeping on it, and noticed the beginning of a sunrise. It was really pretty.

Speaking of Taylor, Abbi thought this was a good time to wake her. Trista was staring off into space in her own little world, so Abbi decided just to do it for herself. She reached over and punched Taylor on the arm, "Tay, wake up! We're landing!"

Taylor groggily looked over at Abbi before putting her belt on and attempting to sit up, "How long have I been out?"

"At least 4 hours," Trista said, finally shaking out of her dreamworld and turning to look at her twin.

Taylor nodded and leaned back against her seat, "Get any sleep, Abbi?"

Abbi shook her head, "That damn 5 year old whining about his 'mommy' kept me up the entire time."

Taylor laughed at the bags under Abbi's eyes, "Don't worry. We'll let you get some sleep at the hotel before we explore, Sleeping Beauty."

Abbi smiled and closed her eyes as the plane landed in the airport. She couldn't wait to get to the hotel and sleep in a real bed. She hoped she would be awake for their first night in Vegas. She didn't want to miss a good night of partying.


Matt sighed and sent a glare Zacky's way, "I can't believe how early in the morning it is! Why would you book our flight in the middle of the night?"

Brian rubbed his hands over his face and also sighed, "Yeah, man. I need my beauty sleep."

Jimmy laughed, "I don't think sleep is gunna help that problem."

Brian playfully glared at Jimmy before turning back to Zacky, "So what's your excuse?"

"It's the earliest flight they had on short notice. At least we're here now." Zacky said.

"Whatever. Let's just get to the hotel and get some more sleep." Matt yawned. He didn't get any sleep on the plane since Brian was constantly keeping him awake by screaming in his ear and poking him repeatedly. He finally punched Brian in the arm hard enough to leave a bruise. This caused Brian to whine about him arm and call Matt a 'big fat meanie-head' and demand an apology. An apology Matt refused to give.

"Yeah. Matt gets cranky when he doesn't get his sleep. We couldn't have that," Brian said, rolling his eyes.

"I don't want him angry. Then he'll take it out on me," Johnny said, glancing at Matt to make sure he didn't lash out at him or anything.

Matt ignored them and continued walking out of the airport with his luggage, "Let's just go."


Abbi stared with her mouth wide open at the room in front of her. She couldn't believe that this was their room for the next few days.

"You like?" Taylor said, smiling at the room, "I booked this weeks ago."

"Like? I love it!" Abbi exclaimed running across the room and jumping over the couch next to Trista, who was already watching something on the plasma television, "Whatcha watchin'?"

"House," Trista replied, her eyes glued to the screen.

Taylor rolled her eyes. Her sister was so obsessed with that show it wasn't even funny. Abbi only watched it sometimes because Trista did. Trista loved that show almost as much as she loved her own sister. It was crazy.

Abbi got up off the couch and started to walk towards the bedroom, "Well, I'm gunna take a nap. Wake me up in a few hours."

Taylor nodded while Trista continued to watch House get into an arguement with Wilson, "Just to warn you, there's only one bed. But it's king size!"

Abbi shrugged and kept walking, "Sharing a bed isn't anything new to us."

Taylor laughed and nodded. When they lived together in college they all slept on the same mattress because they were so poor. Good times.

She turned around to find Trista walking over to the fridge on the other side of the suite and grabbing a bottle of tequila, "I say we start this party a little early."


Matt pushed open to door to his room and looked around, "Not bad."

Zacky walked up next to him, "Pretty good for last minute, huh?"

Matt nodded, "But you aren't allowed to book flights anymore. Just hotel rooms."

Zacky scoffed, "Whatever."

The other three guys walked into the room and nodded in approval.

"I'm liking the pool table," Jimmy said, walking over and examining it.

Johnny walked over to the door on the side of the room, "There must be another suite connected to this one."

Brian and Matt walked over to Johnny. "Guess so," Matt said, "hey Zacky! This other suite ours too?"

Zacky shook his head, "Nope. Just this one."

Brian stared at him, "But this room only has two beds."

"And three sofas," Zacky added.

Jimmy looked over at the guys, "You mean we're all sharing one room?"

Zacky shrugged, "It's big enough. Besides, it was last minute. Whoever has the room next to us had it reserved for weeks. There was nothing I could do."

Matt picked up his luggage and quietly began walking towards one of the guest rooms branching off of the main part of the suite.

"Hey! Where do you think you're going?" Johnny yelled, pointing at Matt.

Matt smirked mischieviously, "Claiming my bed."

Brian fake-gasped, "You can't do that, mister!"

Jimmy starting running towards Matt as he backed up closer to the room, "Watch me."

And he sprinted into the room.
♠ ♠ ♠
Also kinda short...but the next chapter should be longer.

That's when they all go out and party ;)

I love House :D

Comments are nice :)