Looks Can Be Deceiving

Elevator Tales

Abbi looked herself over in the mirror. She straightened out her bracelet and necklace and put on her heels. She really didn't like wearing them; she tended to fall over or break them, especially at a club. But Taylor insisted that because this was Vegas, Abbi should dress nice. And by nice she meant like a slut.

She didn't plan on doing that. There were plently of hookers here already.

She walked out of the bedroom to find Trista on the couch watching What Not to Wear and Taylor rummaging through the fridge to see if there was anymore alcohol. The tequila had run out hours ago.

"So...how do I look?" Abbi asked, doing a little twirl in front of the bedroom door.

Taylor turned around and examined Abbi, "You look hot Abs!"

Abbi smiled. Just the reaction she was going for.

Trista took her eyes away from Stacy and Clinton for a moment to examine Abbi herself, "You look nice. Maybe you should wear heels more often."

Abbi shrugged, "What caused you to watch that?" she asked, pointing to the fashion duo lecturing some middle aged woman about how sweaters were not flattering for her shape.

"There was nothing else on," she said, lightly shrugging her shoulders.

Abbi turned back to Taylor, who was now slipping on her shoes. Taylor's outfit was typical Taylor: metallic shoes and eyeshadow that matched her shirt. She liked to wear bright colored shirts, and then match her eyeshadow to that color. It looks great on her. Abbi couldn't find another person who could pull it off quite like Taylor.

"Ready to go, sister dear?" Taylor called to Trista, pulling the other twin out of her trance.

"Yep," Trista said, shutting off the television and joining the girls by the front door.

Abbi stared at Trista as she walked over. Her outfit was rather...interesting. The girl has the most unusual taste in clothes, but like her sister, it worked for her. Her dress looked like a cross between a prom dress and a garbage bag, and she was wearing her hi-tops. Trista adored them.

"Oh wait!" Abbi said, feeling her pockets, "I forgot my ID..."

Trista laughed, "Yeah, you might need that."

Taylor tapped her foot impatiently, "We'll wait for you down in the lobby. Don't take long, okay?"

Abbi sighed and nodded, "I'll do my best."

Taylor was always impatient, while Trista was the opposite. She could wait all day. But Trista decided to go with her twin and wait in the lobby. Abbi waved them off and went in search of her ID, "Now where did I put it..."


Matt rubbed his hands over his face, "Come on, man! Could you take any longer?"

Brian had been in the bathroom for nearly two hours spiking his newly cut hair in different directions. He refused to come out until it was just right, "I could, actually."

Matt rolled his eyes. The guys had no idea what club they were going to, so it would take a while to browse. It would be sunrise before Syn even got out of the bathroom.

Jimmy walked over and put his hand on Matt's shoulder, "Sometimes I wonder if he's really a man, all that time he spends on his hair..."

Zacky snorted a laugh and Matt cracked a smile. Jimmy always knew how to cheer the guys up.

"Seriously, Syn. Get out. Now." Matt said, his face quickly turning back to one of stone.

The door opened and Brian came out, looking pretty much the same as he had when he went in. Matt rolled his eyes again, "Good. Now let's go."

Johnny was already leaning against the front door when the rest of the guys got to it. Jimmy shoved him out of the way, earning a glare from Johnny, and they guys piled out and into the hallway.

They walked down in their little group, earning a few weird glances from people coming out of their rooms. They finally reached the elevator and piled inside. Matt pushed the lobby button and waited for the doors to close. He sighed, "Can this take any longer?"

Just as the doors started to close, he saw a girl walking towards the elevator, trying to catch it before it closed. Brian reached out and held the door open, waiting for her. She flashed him a grateful smile and stepped inside as she took her place next to Matt, smiling as her way of greeting the other four. Brian stepped in and stood next to her.

The guys smiled, grinned, or in Brian's case smirked, back at her. She knew the guys were eying her up and checking her out, but she didn't mind. All of them were rather good looking.

The elevator started moving down and Matt looked at the numbers above the door. Their room was on the 51st floor, so they had a bit of a way to go. He sighed.

"Do you not like elevators?" The girl asked, tilting her head up to look at Matt.

Matt looked down at her and thought he saw a small deathbat-looking tattoo on the side of her neck. He gave a small smile, "Nah, I'm just a little impatient."

Brian scoffed, "A little?"

Matt glared at him, "At least I don't spend two hours in the bathroom fixing my hair. I bet--" he looked back at the girl, "What's your name?"

She smiled, "Abigail. But please, call me Abbi."

Matt nodded and continued, "I bet Abbi doesn't even spend two hours fixing her hair in the bathroom!"

Brian looked at her, waiting for her to confirm this statement. She nodded, "That I do not."

Matt grinned triumphantly, "Hah!"

Abbi giggled. Not only were these guys hot, they were entertaining too. Forgetting her ID turned out to work pretty well for her.

Jimmy couldn't resist checking her out from behind, since she was standing right in front of him. He smiled crookedly. Those were some nice jeans she was wearing.

Almost as if Matt had eyes in the back of his head, he reached around and smacked Jimmy on the arm, "Knock it off!"

Jimmy tried to look innocent, "I didn't do anything!"

Matt gave his I-don't-believe-you look and turned back around. He sighed again; they still had 30 floors to go.

Abbi giggled, "You sure are impatient, aren't you?"

Matt grinned, "Yep."

She giggled again, "You remind me of Taylor."

He looked at her confused, "Who's Taylor?"

"She's one of my best friends. Her and her twin, Trista."

The guys' ears all perked up at the mention of twins. This girl knew twins?

Abbi rolled her eyes as if she already knew what the guys were thinking, "They look completely different, dress completely different, and act different too. They don't do a lot of stuff together. Other than party, of course."

"So you guys like to party?" Johnny spoke up from the back corner of the elevator. Abbi turned and smiled at him. He was a bit smaller than her, probably because she was wearing heels, but he was rather cute.

"Oh yeah. We've been doing it for years," She gazed dreamily ahead, as if remembering a fond memory of their partying antics.

"Really? How old are you guys?" Brian asked. And he wasn't just asking to make sure she was legal, he was genuinely curious. She couldn't be that old.

"We're 21."

Matt grinned. He was starting to like this girl already, "You're on our floor, right? Floor 51?"

She nodded, "Yep. Room 205."

Johnny's smile grew bigger, "No way! That's the suite that's connected to ours!"

Abbi let out a small chuckle. This guy was just too cute, "Oh, so you're the ones with the person who snores like a bear?"

The guys all looked at Matt while he whistled innocently. When he noticed everyone looking at him, he asked, "What?"

Abbi smirked at him. Wait, smirked? The last thing Matt needed was a female Brian.

"You know, if you keep that snoring up, I might just have to come in there and shut you up myself." She said, continuing to smirk at him.

Matt couldn't help but smirk back while the rest of the guys watched with amused expressions, "Oh really? And how would you do that?"

Abbi was about to answer but the elevator doors opened and she spotted Taylor and Trista waiting for her. She looked back at Matt and winked, "Guess you'll just have to find out."

With that, she walked out of the elevator, swaying her hips ever so slighty as she approached the other two girls. Matt tilted his head to the side and watched her walk away. He looked up and made eye contact with Brian, "Well damn."
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Hehe...I like this chapter ;)

Next one coming up soon! This is a fun story to write.

I love to hear your opinions! So comments are nice :)