Looks Can Be Deceiving


Abbi sat in the booth at the club, lounging and sipping every now and then on her beer. She wasn't one for all those fancy drinks like Taylor, nor was she a whiskey and vodka kinda of girl like Trista. She enjoyed the simpler things in life.

Taylor and Trista were currently on the dance floor, grinding and sandwiching some guy. Abbi just rolled her eyes. It wasn't that he was ugly, because he definately wasn't. Abbi just never liked dancing with random guys.

She lifted her bottle up to her lips, but sighed when she realized it was empty. One last look at the twins showed they had now started dancing with two other random guys, and didn't plan on coming back any time soon. She walked over to the bar to get herself another drink. As she walked over, she couldn't help but think about those guys in the elevator before. Sometihng about them seemed familiar...

Matt and the guys sat on the other side of the club, talking and drinking. None of them dared to move from their dark corner and onto the colored lights of the dance floor, for they knew they would get mauled.

"Hey Johnny, why don't you go get us some more drinks?" Jimmy asked. Of course he would ask Johnny. They always made him do everything.

Johnny sighed and got out of the booth, making his way to the bar. It wasn't hard to go undetected; the lights were rather dim. He passed a booth and thought he heard moans coming from it, but it was too dark to see anything. Thank God.

Abbi thanked the bartender and turned around to come face-to-face with that cute little guy from the elevator. Well, he was only about an inch shorter and she was wearing heels, but still.

His eyes lit up when he saw her, "Hey! You're that chick from the elevator! Abbi, right?"

She smiled and nodded, "That would be me. But, I'm afraid I don't know your name..."

"Johnny," he said, extending his hand for her to shake. She giggled and shook it.

"Pleasure to meet you," Abbi said, giggling again. What was her problem with giggling today? She never giggled!

"Where are your friends?" he asked, looking around Abbi to see if maybe he could see them.

"On the floor," she said, pointing to where Taylor and Trista were dancing. They weren't hard to miss. Their hair kinda made them stick out.

Johnny raised an eyebrow, "Why aren't you out there dancing with them?"

She shrugged, "Dancing's not my thing."

Johnny scoffed, "I'm sure you're a great dancer."

"Please. And the Queen of England is my mother."

"Really?" Johnny asked. Abbi smiled, this guy was too cute for his own good.

"Oh of course," she said, playfully rolling her eyes.

Johnny laughed and moved closer to the bar, "Let me get the guys' drinks and then you can come back to the table with me."

She smiled, "Sounds like a plan."


Matt tried to look around the club for Johnny, but couldn't see a thing. It was too dark in here.

"Where is that little man? I want my drinks!" Jimmy whined, banging his head on the table.

Brian laughed, "Be patient, man."

Matt heard footsteps getting closer and looked up to find Johnny with some girl his size standing beside him. She look familiar.

"Look who I found!" He said, looking rather proud of his discovery.

Zacky tilted his head to the side, examining her, "She looks like Elevator Girl."

Abbi giggled. She really needed to stop that, "My name is Abbi."

Matt's eyes widened. He was right, she was familiar, "Well Abbi, what brings you to our table?"

She shrugged, "I met Johnny at the bar and coudln't pass up the chance to see my favorite next-door roomies!"

The guys laughed. They'd taken quite the liking to Abbi, especially since she hadn't recognized them yet. Or if she did, she didn't say anything. The deathbat on the right side of her neck was pretty obvious now, as she was standing right under a light. Johnny turned and spotted it, "What's that?"

Abbi put a hand over her tattoo, "This?"

He nodded, "Yeah."

"I got this a few months ago after a concert. My friends got tattoos too." She replied, taking her hand off the tattoo and allowing the guys to see it again.

"The twins?" Brian said, giving her a mischeivious smirk.

She smirked right back, "Yes the twins. Speaking of them...they're around here somewhere..."

Matt smiled to himself as he leaned back and crossed his arms over his chest. Abbi must've gotten her tattoo at one of their shows. He couldn't believe she still didn't know who they were.

"There you are!" A girl with purple and blonde hair said, dragging a girl with blue and black hair behind her.

"Hey Tay, hey Trish! you guys have fun?" she asked, raising her eyebrows suggestively.

The two girls laughed and the blonde one rolled her eyes, "Of course!"

Brian was practically drooling at the sight of the two girls before him. It was pretty obvious up close that they were twins, but from far away they looked completely different. Matt laughed at his expression before turning back to the twins.

"Oh! I should probably introduce them! This is Taylor," she said, pointing to the blonde and purple haired girl. She turned to point to the blue and black haired girl, "and this is Trista."

The guys waved and the girls waved back, until Taylor widened her eyes and let out a small squeal. Matt grinned, clearly amused. Looks like they had been discovered.

"Abbi! Do you have any idea who these guys are?" Taylor said, gesturing to the table of guys and Johnny.

"The guys I met in the elevator earlier?" she asked.

"Yes, but who else they are?" Taylor urged, trying to get her to figure it out. Abbi just shrugged.

Trista tilted her head to the side to examine the guys, much like Zacky had done to Abbi before, "Avenged Sevenfold."
♠ ♠ ♠
Ooh! they know who the guys are now!

the horror...

I'll probably update a couple times yet today. I'm in a writing mood :)

Enjoy! :D