Looks Can Be Deceiving

Fun and Games

Abbi choked on her sip of beer, "Seriously!?"

Matt nodded, "Afraid so."

She stared at all of them, "You saw my tattoo! Why didn't you tell me?"

Zacky shrugged, "It was nice to have someone not freak out over us for a change."

"I can't believe you didn't recognize us!" Jimmy said, fainting dramatically.

"You guys look different since when we last saw you. I didn't realize it was you at first, either," Taylor said.

"Well, now that that's over," Brian said, grabbing one of the shots on the table, "Let's get wasted!"


Taylor giggled drunkenly as she put her hand on Brian's arm, "Hey Syn! Get me another, would ya?"

"Coming right up!" he yelled, grabbing another shot and pouring it down Taylor's throat, "How was that?"

"Delicious!" her and Brian broke out into a fit of giggles, causing weird stares from the rest of the table.

"I think Syn found a new drinking buddy," Zacky laughed, taking a sip of his JD. How his loved his JD...

Trista nodded from beside him. She had situated herself inbetween Zacky and Johnny, since they were the shortest of the group. Jimmy pretended to be offended, but soon got over it when she smiled at him. He liked her smile. When he told her that, she got embarassed and stared at the ground, causing Matt to yell at him and tell him to leave the poor girl alone.

Zacky went to pick up his glass and take another drink, but it was nowhere to be found. He looked over at Trista to see her chugging it down when she thought he wasn't looking.

When she realized Zacky had caught her, Trista just flashed him a smile. It was hard not to forgive her without another thought. Rev wasn't kidding when he said she had a beautiful smile.

"I believe that's my drink," Zacky said, pointing to the glass in Trista's hand.

She handed him his drink back and looked rather embarassed. Zacky laughed, "It's okay, really. Have as much as you want."

Trista's eyes lit up. She loved JD almost as much as Zacky did, "Really?"


She took it from him and started drinking it again, handing it back every so often. She didn't want to be greedy or anything.

Abbi smiled from her spot inbetween Matt and Jimmy. She knew that Trista normally didn't do well around strangers, especially guys, and was suprised to see her getting along with Zacky and Johnny so well. She completely avoided Matt and Brian, though. Trista didn't do well with muscley guys; they reminded her too much of her father. Abbi was proud of Trista. She was a lot better than she used to be.

Matt had been wondering why the girl had looked so scared when she looked at him. It wasn't as if it was Matt who actually scared her, but someone who looked like him. She was even a bit timid around Jimmy, who couldn't hurt a fly. Well, he could, but that wasn't the point.

Taylor, on the other hand, warmed up to all of the guys right away. Abbi wasn't joking when she said the girls weren't alike at all. Trista had blue eyes to match her hair, and Taylor's eyes were a interesting shade of light brown. While Trista was being rather quiet and sneaking sips of Zacky's drink when he wasn't looking, Taylor was having a drinking contest with Brian and shouting random obscenities. The girls' outfits were different too. The list could go on and on...

Matt felt Abbi shift next to him. They were all smushed together in the booth, since Jimmy had insisted they let the girls join them. Jimmy wanted Abbi to sit by him, for reasons Matt already knew, so just to irritate Jimmy he made sure to sit within hitting distince of him.

He looked down to see why Abbi was shifting around and trying to hide a smile, only to see Jimmy's hand on her thigh. He reached behind her and smacked Jimmy on the back of the head.

His hand retracted from Abbi's thigh to hold his head, "What was that for?"

Matt stared at him stupidly, "I think you know what."

Jimmy huffed and crossed his arms over his chest, pouting.

"Aww, it's okay Jim," Abbi said, rubbing his arm, "Matt just wants me all to himself."

Jimmy couldn't help but laugh and pulled Abbi so she was practically sitting on him, "Well that's too bad. He'll just have to share."

Matt, deciding to play along, gently pulled Abbi off Jimmy and put her on his own lap, wrapping his arms protectively around her, "You know I don't share, Jimmy"

"That is true," he nodded, "Fine. You win this time, Sanders, but I'll get her next time!"

Abbi laughed as Jimmy shook his fist at Matt. She turned around in Matt's arms to look at him in the face, "You're comfy."

Matt laughed and Abbi could feel the vibrations from his chest in her back, "So I've been told."

She raised an eyebrow, "By who?"

He grinned at her, "Synyster! Who else?"

Brian looked up at the mention of his name to see Matt grinning like an idiot and Elevator Girl on top of him, "What'd I miss?"

"Matt was telling me how comfy you think his lap is," she said.

Brian giggled, yes giggled, like a little school girl and put his hand over his mouth, "Matty! I told you not to tell anyone, you silly baboon!"

Abbi felt Matt's chest vibrate again as he laughed uncontrollably. Everyone else at the table had started laughing too, except for Taylor. She was passed out and laying across Brian and Jimmy, not that either of them seemed to mind.

Matt started to feel awkward holding Abbi in his arms, despite how content both of them seemed to be. He released his grip on her and she gave a small smile before sliding off his lap on the other side, hoping to avoid sitting on Taylor, since her head was on Jimmy's leg. She was suprised when she sat down on another pair of legs and heard an "oof" behind her.

"Sorry Johnny! I didn't realize you were sitting there." she smiled sheepishly as Johnny continued to look surprised.

Trista laughed from her seat next to Johnny and Zacky laughed on the other side of her, "You should've seen your face, man! It was hilarious!"

Matt laughed, but stopped when he heard a huge thump under the table. He turned to see Jimmy and Brian, who suddenly sobered up, holding Taylor and trying to wake her up.

Well that's a mood killer.

Abbi's face grew concerned, "Maybe we should head back to the hotel now."

Zacky nodded, "Think she'll be alright in a cab?"

"It's nothing new for her," Trista said, a bit of a sad expression on her face, "besides, she's only passed out."

Johnny looked shocked but Zacky just nodded again, "Alright. Syn and Rev can ride with her, since they seem to already have it under control," he gestured to the two holding Taylor up, "and the rest of us can smush into one cab?"

Matt shrugged, "Yeah. Let's just get back. She'd be better off there."

The gang made their way out of the club, none of them getting a second glance. It's not like it was anything abnormal. This was Vegas, after all.
♠ ♠ ♠
Syn thinks Matt's lap is comfy...haha

and Matt and Abbi sure seem to be getting cozy...

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