
I do care.

Nick and I had been dating for awhile now. We had just let the press know we were dating a week and a half ago. After that.......well let's just say that my lawn was covered with news reporters.
I walked down stairs texting my best friend Casey.

omg check out e!

what? i dont watch that crud.....

uhhh its bout nick and miley


I literally dropped my cell and ran over to the couch where Kris sat watching some random baseball game that I could really care less about. I grabbed the remote out of his hand and changed the channel to E! "What the crap, Blake? Give it back!"
"No one cares about that baseball shit!" I glared at him, leaving him silent. Now I could turn my full attention to Ryan Seacrest.
"Miley recently broke up with Justin, and this video of her seen with Nick was only two days after the break-up. No one yet knows if Nick broke up with GF Blake, or if she broke up with him."
"He didn't break up with you," Kris said, glancing at me nervously. "I know," I growled. "Now shut up!"
I watched the video they showed of Nick and Miley.
"There you have it, Nick and Miley jet-skiing in Savannah, Georgia. And show and slow that part again, Bill." (A/N, idk who Bill is, i just put in a random techy guys name!) "Is it just me, or does that look like they are kissing?"
I threw the remote at Kris and started yelling at Ryan Seacrest. Or you could say yelling at the TV.
"Evil, Stupid, Butthole NEWSREPORTER! AHHHHHHHH!!!!" I pounded the TV. Kris got up and shoved me on the couch. "You may not care about the 'baseball shit' but I DO! And I am not missing this game just because you got mad at Ryan Seacrest!"
He sat back down and watched his stupid baseball game. 'Fine,' I thought,'I'll go upstairs' I grabbed my cell and called Nick, tears already in my eyes. " 'Ello?" He answered. "Nick..." I managed to choke out. "Oh, Blake, Ummmm......we need to talk, I'll be right over." He hung up before I could say anything else. And before I could move he was in my room. That is one of the disadvantages of having one of your best friends and boyfriend live next door to you.
"Look, Blake," He began, sitting next to me on my messy bed. "Nothing personal, but I think we need to take a break from each other. Okay?" He didn't even wait for me to respond. "Sorry." He finished, walking out of my room back to his house. I didn't care, Miley was probably sitting in his room, waiting for a make out session.
My breathing became heavy. It did that when I lied to myself. So I have to admit, I did care. I did care that he broke up with me. I did care that he was probably going to be going out with Miley. I was thinking so much about it, and I was really upset, I became dizzy.
I did care.
I did.
I loved him.
He didn't love me.
And then it went black......
♠ ♠ ♠
So.........Miley and Nick did actually go jet-skiing. And I couldn't leave my story with the happy ending from b4. Miley ruined that. Sooo......Read and Review..lemme know what should happen! :D