

Apparently, my family has a fainting problem caused by shock or pain, so don't get all mad at me for my little "accident". Usually, it happens to my mom, and she forgets everything that previously just happened. I wish it was like that with me. I heard the front door open, and I looked out my window, my mom was back from the grocery store. I didn't feel like helping her, what was there to do when your four other siblings do everything. There was a small knock on my door. "Blake, can I come in?" I didn't answer, just stared of my picture of Nick and I on my dresser. Apparently, my mom took silence as a 'yes'. "I got this for you." She handed me something, but I didn't even register what it was. I just continued to stare. She walked over to my dresser, picked up some of my dirty clothes, said something to me, then walked out. That was when I lost it. Tears started streaming down my face. I got up without realizing it, and threw the picture of Nick and I against the wall. There was a crack straight down the middle of it, right between us. I didn't mean for it to be like that, but I guess it was just trying to say it's official. I walked back over to my bed, and grabbed what my mom got me. A teen magazine. Even while crying, I had to hold back a smile. My mother didn't know me well at all. I gave up getting these over two years ago. I didn't want to read all about my famous neighbors. I figured that was were she was going at. I held a smile back again. Two weeks ago she had probably seen Nick and I laughing over one of these that we had stole from Sarah. That was when everything was normal, though. I flipped through the pages, and pulled out the posters. Rummaging through them, it was my luck, I found one of Miley. I grabbed it and roughly dug through my artsy-ish drawer throwing things across my room, just to find tape. I posted it on the wall, then walked into the hallway. I looked downstairs quickly to still see everyone unloading groceries. I turned around and walked to one side of the hallway that I usually didn't. I went slowly, afraid of being caught. Then I walked straight into Sarah's room.
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heeeey u wanna find out what happens, COMMENT!!!! then i'll post the next chapter. your comments rock, though i barely get any! i'll let u meet nick jonas if u do! ok prob not cuz sadly.....I DONT EVEN KNOW HIM!!!!!! :'( okay i'm going to go before i start crying, comment plz....