
I Ran

I walked into Sarah's room. The girly, flowery scent of the room made me cough and sneeze. I had no idea why she was into that kind of stuff. Oh, that's right, she's 8. She had posters of Selena Gomez, Demi Lovato, and Miley Cyrus on her wall, and if she ever found out about what I was going to do, she would probably kill me. I opened her dresser drawer and pulled out a container of pink sticky stuff, and ran back to my room. I felt instantly better as the smell of my Victoria's Secret Candy, Baby! perfume hit me. Sooo much better then flowers. I hung the Miley poster on my wall, and opened the package of goop. I threw it at her, and it landed on her nose. I picked it off and threw it again, this time it went to her eye. I continued this several times until the poster was ruined and the goop was not usable anymore. I collapsed onto the floor, the tears coming back. I didn't understand why he chose her over me, I was pretty too. At least I thought I was. I looked in the mirror. My wavy black hair was tangled, my brown eyes were glistening and my face was blotchy and red; tears streaming down my face. The damaged poster of Miley caught my eye. Her skin was flawless, hair shiny, and her eyes were sparkling. Who cares if it was probably edited, she still looked better then me. I sat on my bed, silent, for several minutes. I heard loud voices coming from downstairs. I slid off my bed and headed for my door. I pressed my ear against it, not wanting to make any sound by opening it. "We should go find him and beat the crap out of him!" I heard Danny yelling. "It's not the first time he's done it mom, he's tearing her apart!" Kris screamed after him. "They're still friends, they can work it out, you two did, and just because you feel bad for her, doesn't mean that you can fix everything for her and spoil her! She can figure out how to solve it herself." My mom was in this conversation too. "We do not spoil Blake!" I heard Danny say quieter. I sank against the wall, of course they were talking about me. And of course probably about Nick. I didn't hear them talking anymore, but it didn't matter, I stopped listening. I knew I wasn't my mom's favorite, and that's why she wasn't up here with me, making sure I was okay, why she said I can do it by myself. The door slammed downstairs, and I peeked out my window to see Kris hopping in his car with a big Puma bag. I grabbed my BlackBerry.
Blake: where r u goin?
Kris: liz's house moms mad @ u me & danny
Blake: oh ok....y?
Kris: she thinx ur overreactin & we spoil u. bt we k how u feel.
Blake. oh thats lame & thx...kinda
I sat waiting for his response. I never got one. I sighed, standing up on my shaky feet, heading downstairs for the wrath.
My mom was in the kitchen, cutting up cucumbers. She didn't turn around, even though she knew I was standing right beside her. "Don't you have something else to do? Go text Nicholas if you don't." She turned around, walking away from me to the other counter. "Mom, we broke up, I can't text him, not yet." I said quietly. "Well go somewhere then, I don't want you here right now!" I walked out of the kitchen, and trudged up the stairs. I grabbed the blue and orange Nike bag hanging on my door, and threw most of the contents of my dresser into it. I grabbed my cell phone, labtop, iPod, and the chargers for all three. I took one last look around my room, and went out the door. I passed by Todd's room, Sarah was in there yelling at him for taking the pink goop. I didn't say anything. I continued down the stairs once again. I peeked at my mom. She was still mad, trying to make dinner. I snuck past her and went out the back door.
I ran. I didn't look back.
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Omg i haven't posted here in almost a here you go!
if anyone is still reading this.
please comment if you are, so ik to continue it